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What happens when you blow in the mirror?

What happens when you blow in the mirror?

It doesn’t happen when you blow air. It happens when you breathe on the window pane or mirror. The window pane or mirror becomes foggy because the water vapour in our breath goes to the glass and condenses there that’s why it becomes foggy.

Why does moist form in the mirror?

When you breathe on a mirror, you are helping water move from a gas state to a liquid state. As water vapor in your breath reaches the mirror’s cool surface, the vapor droplets come together to form a liquid. When this happens, you can see thousands of super tiny liquid droplets form on the mirror: the fog.

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Why does a mirror fog up when you breathe on it?

Do you see how the mirror fogs up when you breathe on it? This occurs because the cold mirror cools the air right around it, which causes your warm breath to condense on the mirror as it hits the cold air.

What happens when you breath on glass?

Breathing it can cause Silicosis, severe lung problems and cancer. OSHA has very strict guidelines about exposure to Crystalline Silica. Very finely powdered Crystalline Silica sand is used to manufacture glass, which means that glass making is a hazardous process.

Why we blow at a burning fire?

We blow on a burning fire to keep it burning so as to increase the supply of oxygen which is essential for burning.

How do water droplets form on a mirror?

As the water-vapor molecules bounce around in the air, some of them come close to the mirror, which is cooler than the surrounding air. This causes the water-vapor molecules to lose heat energy (cool), slow down, and join to gether to form liquid-water droplets on the mirror. That’s called condensation.

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How does condensation happen?

Condensation happens one of two ways: Either the air is cooled to its dew point or it becomes so saturated with water vapor that it cannot hold any more water. Dew point is the temperature at which condensation happens. When warm air hits the cold surface, it reaches its dew point and condenses.

What do you call the smoke coming out of your mouth when it’s cold?

According to layman term one can say it as “Breath Vapor” or “Steam” but in medical term it is called “Exhaled Breath Condensate (EBC)”. EBC is the proper term which defines smoke coming out of your mouth when it’s cold. EBC is exhalate from the breath which is condensed in outside temperaure.

Why can I see my breath when it’s not cold?

The water vapor in your breath condenses into a liquid when it hits dew point—the temperature at which the air is saturated and can’t hold any more water in gas form. On more humid days, you may be able to see your breath even when it’s relatively warm outside.

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Is dust bad for your lungs?

Dust particles and dust-containing macrophages collect in the lung tissues, causing injury to the lungs. The amount of dust and the kinds of particles involved influence how serious the lung injury will be. For example, after the macrophages swallow silica particles, they die and give off toxic substances.