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What if the sun was made of antimatter?

What if the sun was made of antimatter?

The light of sun would not change because the light contains Photons which is a type of particle whose antimatter does not exist. The sun’s energy would be anti energy and the planets would move far away from sun because the antimatter repels the matter of the planets. The solar system would be deatroyed.

How much antimatter is needed to power the world?

A perfect conversion of antimatter-and-matter into energy releases 8.99 × 1016 Joules of energy per kilogram of combined matter/antimatter, which means you only need 3.1 tonnes of antimatter (and another 3.1 tonnes of matter) to power the whole world for a year.

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Is there antimatter in the sun?

Astronomers have detected exotic antimatter particles flying from the sun during solar flares — a discovery that could help scientists understand this mysterious sibling to matter. The study detected antimatter particles called positrons — the antimatter partners to the mundane electrons that populate normal atoms.

Could an antimatter universe exist?

So it is quite possible that an antimatter universe would look nearly identical to our own. But it could be that an antimatter universe would be nothing but cold gas. It’s even possible that the radioactive decay of antimatter is so different from that of matter, that an antimatter universe can’t even exist.

Is black hole antimatter?

No. A regular black hole is an infinitely dense object created by matter compressed to a single point. That does not make it antimatter.

Can antimatter be contained?

Antimatter in the form of charged particles can be contained by a combination of electric and magnetic fields, in a device called a Penning trap. This device cannot, however, contain antimatter that consists of uncharged particles, for which atomic traps are used.

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How much antimatter would it take to completely destroy the Earth?

Then, you would need 1.3 x 10^15 kg of antimatter to completely destroy the Earth – a smaller amount could effectively destroy it and a much smaller amount could destroy all sentient life on it. To put that in perspective, if the antimatter had the same density as water, you would need a cube about 10 km on each side to destroy the world.

Should antimatter have annihilated all matter in the universe?

Antimatter should have annihilated all of the matter in the universe after the big bang. According to theory, the big bang should have created matter and antimatter in equal amounts. When matter and antimatter meet, they annihilate, leaving nothing but energy behind. So in principle, none of us should exist.

Can antimatter be sustained for 16 minutes?

If you read that book, you might be feeling a little nervous lately, with physicists at CERN in Switzerland making headlines by creating detectable quantities of antimatter , and sustaining them for about 16 minutes. What if the antimatter atoms they make come in contact with normal atoms?

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How much antimatter does it take to make a nuclear bomb?

A gram of antimatter could produce an explosion the size of a nuclear bomb. However, humans have produced only a minuscule amount of antimatter. All of the antiprotons created at Fermilab’s Tevatron particle accelerator add up to only 15 nanograms. Those made at CERN amount to about 1 nanogram.