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What if you could bring someone back from the dead?

What if you could bring someone back from the dead?

Here’s this week’s question: If you could bring one person back from the dead, who would it be? The person you bring back would be 25 and healthy upon return with, presumably, a bunch of decades to live. The person would have all the memories of the life they lived.

Can God bring back life after death?

In any case, it is not a question of magic at all, or of metaphysics. Life and death are physical phenomena, and hence information and technology are key. NO, But he can bring back lives! Theoretically, maybe. If we were able to send signals to the brain and have the brain SOMEHOW be able to comprehend it after death, then yes.

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What would happen if you tried to bring someone back?

The person would have all the memories of the life they lived. If you try to bring back a person who may or may not have actually existed, you risk losing the opportunity—if they did in fact exist, they’ll be brought back; if they didn’t, you don’t get to “try again,” you’re done.

Can a brain dead person come back to life?

A person can be brought back from brain death in rare situations, using extreme methods, but there’s no recorded case of someone being diagnosed as brain dead (which requires an EEG, so any reports prior to the 195s are merely anecdotal) and just coming back to life. *We understand pretty much how memory works – and it takes a functioning brain.

What happens when you repatriate a dead person?

The person who died will be embalmed – this is a standard requirement for repatriation by plane. Depending on your repatriation provider, you may be able to arrange a memorial service or a cremation in the country before flying the person who has died home.

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What happens when a person dies?

When a person dies, they cross over. That means they leave this earthly plane and go back to the ether, or Heaven if that’s what you want to call it. Most people cross over instantly, but some do linger for a little bit, usually if the death was so sudden that they are not quite sure they are actually dead.

Can a dead person return to life after decades?

The fact a person returns to the living after years of being actually dead would not invalidate performance under the policy. The condition for performance was met (death) and policies do not include provisions for the dead returning to life after decades.

Is it possible to come back to life at 10C?

“When you are at 10C, with no brain activity, no heartbeat, no blood – everyone would agree that you’re dead,” says Peter Rhee at the University of Arizona, Tucson. “But we can still bring you back.” Rhee isn’t exaggerating.