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What is a disadvantage of long tail keywords?

What is a disadvantage of long tail keywords?

The two main downsides to using “Long Tail” keywords is that the volume of traffic produced will be far less than what would be produced by “Short Tail” keywords. It can also be harder to figure out which words and phrases will work the best.

How do you optimize long tail keywords?

Long-tail keyword SEO metrics However, try to aim for the highest-volume, lowest-competition keywords you can find. Don’t get discouraged if you end up with a pile of keywords with less than 50 searches per month. Those small numbers will add up. Remember, 15\% of all Google searches have never been seen before.

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Why do long-tail keywords convert better?

Focusing on long-tail keywords is a great SEO tactic. Long-tail keywords get less search traffic, but will usually have a higher conversion value, as they are more specific. They allow you to gradually get more traffic to your site and be found by new and motivated audiences.

How do you optimize long-tail keywords?

Why are long tail keywords important for SEO?

What is the most valuable information that keyword research provides?

Keyword research should influence your website navigation, URL naming and content for each page. For main navigation titles and page names, keyword analysis will help you determine what terms people are searching for in relation to the products, services and the location of your business.

What are long-tail keywords and why are they important?

What are long-tail keywords? Long-tail keywords are terms with low search volumes. Despite what many people think, it has nothing to do with how long or short a keyword is, how well it’s likely to convert, or how specific it is. Why are they called long-tail keywords?

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What are the best SEO tools for long tail keyword research?

Keyword Tool is one of the best SEO tools for long tail keyword research. It generates only real keywords that are obtained from Google search suggestions in real-time. When you do a regular keyword search on Google, the maximum amount of suggestions you see is limited to five.

How do I rank for long tail terms on Google?

Here’s exactly how to use it: First, type in a keyword that you want to rank for. Second, scroll to the bottom of the page. And take a look at the “Searches related to…” for that keyword: And you’ll get handful of GREAT long tail terms that you can target.

How do I find long-tail keywords in my niche?

You can easily do that in Ahrefs. Enter a competitor’s domain into Ahrefs’ Site Explorer, go to the Organic Keywords report, then filter for keywords with low search volumes. That is a great way to find long-tail keywords in your niche that you may not have considered.