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What is a good GPA while in law school?

What is a good GPA while in law school?

Indeed, many prestigious law firms have “hard” GPA cutoffs for hiring law students for their summer positions: the most elite firms like to hire students with a 3.7 or higher, while firms right behind them typically consider students at top law schools with a 3.5 or higher. Other job opportunities.

Is a 3.5 GPA good for law school?

Law schools generally require that you have specified minimum collegiate GPA and LSAT scores to qualify for admission. Harvard, Yale, and the other top five-ranked law schools require that you have a GPA of at least 3.50 and an LSAT score of 170.

Is a 3.0 a good law school GPA?

The grading curves for most U.S. law schools can be found here. At many lower-ranked schools, the GPA of the 50\% rank is between 2.0 – 2.9. At mid-ranked schools, the 50\% GPA is around 3.0. Top schools have a 50\% GPA of 3.3.

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Is a 3.6 GPA bad for law school?

Most aspiring law school students who are fighting to get into tier-one law schools have GPA medians ranging from 3.6-3.9, and very rarely do median GPAs drop below 3.5 for competitive schools.

Is 3.8 GPA good for law school?

the average median GPA at all other ranked law schools. All of the top-10 law schools had median GPAs of 3.7 or higher. Seven of these 10 schools had a median GPA that was at least a 3.8, and among those three had a median GPA that was a 3.9 or above. The school with the highest median GPA was Yale Law School – the No.

Is a 3.2 bad in law school?

Yes. A 3.2 GPA and an average LSAT will get you into some low-ranked law schools. A 3.2 GPA and an excellent LSAT score might get you into a school ranked in the top 50 percent.

Is 3.77 A good GPA for law school?

the average median GPA at all other ranked law schools. All of the top-10 law schools had median GPAs of 3.7 or higher. Seven of these 10 schools had a median GPA that was at least a 3.8, and among those three had a median GPA that was a 3.9 or above.

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Is 3.85 GPA good for law school?

Staying above a B average will allow you to get in somewhere, but your law school options improve considerably as you pass the 3.5 range. A significant boost then occurs as you hit 3.7-3.75 and again at 3.8-3.85.

Is 3.45 GPA good for law school?

The average median GPA among the 10 law schools with the lowest GPAs is below a 3.0 on a 4.0 scale, where a 4.0 corresponds to a straight-A average and a 3.0 corresponds to a straight-B average. All of the top-10 law schools had median GPAs of 3.7 or higher.

Is 3.83 A good GPA for law school?

A 3.83 is a hard GPA to maintain anywhere, especially at the high-quality schools that Yale Law School pulls many students from….A Good GPA for Harvard, Yale, Stanford, Columbia, Chicago, and NYU- The Top 6.

Law School GPA 25th/75th LSAT 25th/75th
Yale 3.83-3.97 170-175
Harvard 3.76-3.96 170-175