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What is a synonym poverty?

What is a synonym poverty?

Frequently Asked Questions About poverty Some common synonyms of poverty are destitution, indigence, penury, and want. While all these words mean “the state of one with insufficient resources,” poverty may cover a range from extreme want of necessities to an absence of material comforts.

What is the suffix of poor?

Spoor,nonpoor. Suffix. Poorly,poorer,poorness, poorest, poorish.

What are the 50 examples of antonym?

Antonym Examples

achieve – fail giant – dwarf random – specific
attack – defend liquid – solid sunny – cloudy
blunt – sharp marvelous – terrible timid – bold
brave – cowardly noisy – quiet toward – away
cautious – careless partial – complete tragic – comic
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What is the opposite heavy?

Heavy means; of great weight, severe, serious, hard, slow, heavyweight; severe, vigorous. Opposites of Heavy; light. lightweight. weightless.

What is opposite today?

(yesterday) Opposite of the current date or time. yesterday. yore.

What is the suffix of believe?

ANSWER: The prefix for the word ‘believe’ is ‘disbelieve’. The suffix word for ‘believe’ is believer,’ believes’, ‘believed’ etc.

What is the antonym of poverty?

poverty, poorness, impoverishment(noun) the state of having little or no money and few or no material possessions. Antonyms: wealthiness, wealth. Synonyms: exiguity, leanness, impoverishment, pauperization, poorness, meagreness, meagerness, scantiness, pauperisation, scantness.

What is the real meaning of poverty?

The Real Definition of Poverty. Poverty is defined as the “deprivation of common necessities that determine the quality of life, including food, clothing, shelter and safe drinking water, and may also include the deprivation of opportunities to learn, to obtain better employment to escape poverty, and/or to enjoy the respect of fellow citizens.”.

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What are some advantages of poverty?

The advantages of poverty. The lower the wages in any country, the more competitive production there is, other things equal. Of course, such a country will have to create a good investment climate, infrastructure and skills in order to ride the globalisation bandwagon. Once it does so, poverty becomes an advantage,…

What are the causes and consequences of poverty?

Causes of poverty. Causes of poverty are changing trends in a country’s economy. Associated with the lack of education, high divorce rate, a culture of poverty, overpopulation, epidemic diseases such as AIDS and malaria and environmental problems such as lack of rainfall. Extreme weather may be a cause of poverty in many countries.