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What is blue vitriol and green vitriol formula?

What is blue vitriol and green vitriol formula?

Green vitriol is the commercial name for ferrous sulphate solution. It is chemically ferrous sulphate heptahydrate . Formula of blue vitriol is —–> FeSO4.7H2O.

What is green vitriol?

Ferrous sulphate (FeSO4. 7H2O) is called the green vitriol. It is a green crystalline solid.

What is the formula of white vitriol?

Zinc sulfate/Formula

Zinc sulfate is the inorganic compound with the formula ZnSO4 and historically known as “white vitriol”.

What is blue vitriol formula?

Copper(II) sulfate/Formula

What is the formula of yellow vitriol?

70 Name: SULFURIC ACID (OIL OF VITRIOL) CAS No: 7664-93-9 Chemical Formula: H2SO4 Description: Hygroscopic, syrupy corrosive liquid. Use: NAS/CWTC 038/82 Formula Weight: 98.0 Used in pa adjustment following lime softening.

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What is the name of CaSO4 2H2O?

Calcium sulfate dihydrate | CaSO4. 2H2O – PubChem.

What is the formula of ferrous sulphate?

Iron(II) sulfate/Formula

What is the formula of sodium chloride?

Sodium chloride/Formula

What is the formula of red vitriol?


Vitriol Chemical Formula
Red vitriol cobalt(II) sulfate CoSO4·7H2O
Sweet oil of vitriol diethyl ether CH3-CH2-O-CH2-CH3
Vitriol of argile/Vitriol of clay aluminium sulfate Al2(SO4)3
Vitriol of Mars iron(III) sulfate Fe2(SO4)3

What is the formula of Glauber’s salt?

The Glauber’s salt’s chemical formula can be given as Na2SO4. 10H2O. This Glauber’s salt is a vitreous mineral with a colourless or white appearance, which forms as an evaporite from brines comprising sodium sulfate.

What is black vitriol?

Black Vitriol is a prime strategy consulting firm based in Miami and Colombia. Black Vitriol offers Soft Landing services for international companies that want to expand to new markets by having a strategic local ally with low-cost benefits.

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Why ferrous sulphate is called green vitriol?

The crystals of ferrous sulphate are light green in colour. Vitriol is a chemical name for the chemical substances containing sulphates of metals like iron or copper or zinc. Thus, ferrous sulphate is called green vitriol.