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What is chicken rabbit Theorem?

What is chicken rabbit Theorem?

Since both chickens and rabbits each have 2 eyes, the total number of animals is 60 ÷ 2 = 30. So the extra (100 – 60) = 40 legs must have come from the rabbits. Each rabbit has (4 – 2) = 2 more legs than a chicken. So there are 40 ÷ 2 = 20 rabbits and 30 – 20 = 10 chickens.

How many chickens do rabbits have?

Both chickens and rabbits like to live with their own kind. So, you should have at least two of each species in your coop. However, one rabbit may accept living with two or more chickens if introduced to the coop as a baby. The chickens will take the rabbit in as one of their own.

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How many legs does the chicken have?


How many heads does a rabbit have?

Rabbits and chickens each have one head apiece.

Do rabbits have 4 feet?

A rabbit has four legs. The two in the front are called the forelegs, and the two in the rear are called the hind legs. Similarly, the front feet are identified as the forefeet, and the rear feet are identified as the hind feet. The feet have claws and are covered with hair and fur.

How many legs does a rabbit have?


How many heads do rabbits have?

How many legs do chickens and rabbits have?

Explanation: Since we know that both chickens and rabbits only have 1 head each and chickens have 2 legs and rabbits have 4 legs, we can set up a system of equations to solve the problem.

How many legs does Duck have?


Do chickens have 2 or 4 legs?

A chicken has 2 legs.

How many rabbits are there?

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There are 29 species of rabbits in 10 genera found on all continents except Antarctica. There are 17 species of Sylvilagus (cottontails) in North and South America, some of the best-known species. The American Rabbit Breeders Association (ARBA) recognizes 49 unique rabbit breeds.

How many chickens and rabbits are there in the farm?

The numbers add to 43, so we know our work is correct. The farm has 13 rabbits and 30 chickens. Assumptions: each chicken as one head and two legs, each rabbit has one head and four legs. You can then set up some simple equations — C + R = 43 (where C = chicken and R = rabbit and you each has one head).

What is the number of legs on an animal?

X = the number of legs on an animal. A chicken has 2 and a rabbit has 4. X = the number of legs on an animal. A chicken has 2 and a rabbit has 4. How do you use algebra to solve the problem, “A farm contains horses and chickens.

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How many chickens are there in 4343 heads?

43 heads means 43 chickens + rabbits. If each animal had two legs, as chickens do, there would be 86 legs. So 112 – 86 = 26 extra legs are provided by rabbits, two apiece. That means there are 26/2 = 13 rabbits and 43 – 13 = 30 chicken.

How many heads does the farmer have?

A farmer has some chickens and some goats. Together there are 36 heads and 100 legs. How many chickens does the farmer have? How many goats? Why?