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What is deflecting torque in measuring instruments?

What is deflecting torque in measuring instruments?

The deflecting torque is produced by the electromagnetic action of the current in the coil and the magnetic field. When the torques are balanced, the moving coil will stop, and its angular deflection represents the amount of electrical current to be measured against a fixed reference, called a scale.

What is meant by damping torque?

Damping torque or damping forces is the speed deviation of an electromechanical torque deviations of a machine while the angle deviation is called synchronizing torque [1]. If the damping force is too large, then the pointer will come to rest slowly and this is called as over damping.

What is deflecting system?

The system which provides the deflecting torque, when the current is passed through it is called a deflecting system. Every instrument will have a deflecting system that converts the electric energy into mechanical energy and thus providing the necessary and sufficient deflecting torque.

What is the deflecting force?

Force Deflection was a Force power used by Jedi and Sith who were without a lightsaber, or chose not to carry one. It took much skill in the Force to use this, however, most Jedi used their lightsabers instead to deflect incoming attacks.

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What is damping in measuring instruments?

Damping is the amount of time required to reach 63.2 percent of the transmitter’s final value after a step change has been applied to the input, in addition to the update time. The damping of transmitters can be adjusted from 1 to 32 seconds.

What is damping torque & how it is classified?

The damping torque is proportional to the speed of rotation of the moving system, that is Tv = kv d dt θ Damping Torque. We have already seen that the moving system of the instrument will tend to move under the action of the deflecting torque.

What is a controlling torque?

What is controlling torque? The controlling torque (Tc) opposes the deflecting torque and increases with the deflection of the moving system. The pointer comes to rest at a position where the two opposing torques are equal i.e. Td = Tc. The controlling torque performs two functions.

How Controlling torque is produced?

When deflecting torque gets applied on the pointer, the starts moving. At this moment one of the springs unwinds itself and the other gets twisted. The spring that gets twisted or wounded tightly will oppose the deflecting torque by a force called controlling torque.

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How does air friction damping work?

Air friction ‘or’ pneumatic damping: In this system, a light aluminum piston is attached to the spindle of the instrument and is arranged to move in a fixed air chamber closed at one end. The compression and suction action of the piston on the air in the chamber damp the possible oscillations of the moving system.

What is damping force in instrumentation?

A Damping Torque/force is one which acts on the instrument only when it is moving and it always opposes the motion of pointer. The degree of damping is adjusted in such a way that it makes the pointer to deflect to the final position without overshooting the final value.

What is direction of deflection?

A positive charge, top, moving perpendicularly through a magnetic field is deflected. The right-hand rule, bottom, predicts the direction in which the positive charge will be deflected. A similar left-hand rule predicts the deflection of negative charges.

What is damping in instrumentation and control?

What is the difference between deflecting torque and controlling torque?

The deflecting torque causes the moving system to move from its zero position. Controlling Torque. The controlling torque (Tc) opposes the deflecting torque and increases with the deflection of the moving system. The pointer comes to rest at a position where the two opposing torques are equal i.e.

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What is a damping torque?

Damping Torque. The balance of these torques over the pointer indicates the measured value. Deflection Torque : This torque makes the pointer move away from the zero position to the desired reading. But, the applied deflection torque results in a reading greater than the desired reading.

What happens if there is no damping torque on a pointer?

Such a torque is necessary to bring the pointer to rest quickly. If there is no damping torque, then the pointer will keep moving to and fro about its final deflected position for some time before coming to rest, due to the inertia of the moving system.

What is deflecting torque of ammeter?

Deflecting torque is the amount of Torque needed for the pointer to move from its zero position. In the above figure an ammeter having full scale value of 2 ampere current in the above figure current is one ampere