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What is fair and unfair?

What is fair and unfair?

fair (fair) (adjective) free from bias, dishonesty or injustice. favoritism (fey-ver-i-tiz-uhm) (noun) the favoring of one person or group over others with equal claims; partiality. unfair (uhn-fair) (adjective) not fair, not conforming to approved standards as of justice, honesty or ethics.

What is fairness in life?

Fairness is when everyone is treated equally and no one is left out. People that are fair follow the rules in sports, games, activities, and in their community. They are honest and trustworthy. They follow Eleanor Roosevelt’s quote “It is not fair to ask of others what you are unwilling to do yourself.”

What is another word for not being fair?

In this page you can discover 73 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for unfair, like: unjust, inequitable, unrightful, unethical, unequal, wrong, dishonorable, evasive, fair, wicked and dishonest.

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Is life unfair to you?

Unless you’re winning, most of life will seem hideously unfair to you. The truth is, life is just playing by different rules. The real rules are there. They actually make sense. But they’re a bit more complicated, and a lot less comfortable, which is why most people never manage to learn them.

Is life fair or not?

“Life is not fair. Anyone who says it is, or even that it ought to be is a fool or worse.” — David Brin 18. “Life is not fair, get used to it.” — Charlie J. Sykes 19. “Life is indeed unfair. There are times when I’d stare at the sky at night and wonder why you are my entire universe when I’m not even a little star to you.”

Is death fair or unfair?

Death is unfair. Anger is a natural reaction to the unfairness of loss.” — Elisabeth Kubler-Ross 4. “On the whole, life is unfair in the way it works out. It is a game played without an umpire!”

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How do we deal with unfairness in life?

We simply accept it as part of life. And part of our own journey. Given the fact that unfairness is part of life, we should anticipate it. Unfairness is universal in every culture, in every time, and in every place. Admitting and accepting that life is unfair will help us anticipate it, and not be shocked when we see it or experience it.