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What is farming in simple words?

What is farming in simple words?

Farming is growing crops and keeping animals for food and raw materials. Farming is a part of agriculture. Farming can feed many more people than hunter-gatherers can feed on the same amount of land.

How would you describe a farm?

A farm is an area of land where livestock (animals) are raised and crops (plants) are grown for use as food, fiber, and fuel. A farm usually has buildings where equipment such as tractors and supplies are stored. Some farms also have buildings where livestock are housed.

What is a good question to ask a farmer?

11 Questions to Ask Your Local Farmer

  • Do you have a minute to answer a question?
  • Hey, what is this?
  • How do you cook/eat this?
  • How are your crops grown?
  • Where were they grown?
  • How long ago was it harvested?
  • What type of fertilizer do you use?
  • How are your animals (cows, pigs, chickens etc.)
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What is like being a farmer?

There are peaceful, relaxing parts of the job. Depending on what kind of farm you have, you might have seasonal downtime. Grain farms, for example, have intensely busy periods where you have to do tillage and planting, and then you get a little seasonal break while the crop is growing until it’s time to harvest.

Why farming is important?

Agriculture provides most of the world’s food and fabrics. Agriculture also provides wood for construction and paper products. These products, as well as the agricultural methods used, may vary from one part of the world to another.

How do you describe a farmer?

According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, a farmer is “a person who cultivates land or crops or raises animals (such as livestock or fish).” The Oxford English Dictionary defines farmers as persons “who own or manage farms.”

What is the importance of farmer?

Farmers are an important part of the existence of our various societies because they provide food and fiber, which gives us nutrition and cloth. (3). Farming is an industry that relies on the natural environment.

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What is good about being a farmer?

A farmer has more and better food to eat than have most people who live in cities. He is healthier and lives longer. He is likely to enjoy his work more than most city people do. He is more likely to rear a family and thereby promote the future welfare of the nation.

How is a farmer life?

A farmer’s lifestyle is a busy and hectic one. A lot of tasks and work are done and must be completed every day to achieve their ultimate goal. A day in the life on the farm starts very early. Multitasking is pretty normal for a farmer, that is why a group of farmers are working on a farm and not just one person.

Who said you become what you think about all day long?

He said, “you become what you think about all day long.” Nightingale’s inspiration came from Napoleon Hill’s book, “Think and Grow Rich,” published in 1937. For 75 years (and likely long before that), this simple “secret” has been taught to adults around the world. At the very least, the knowledge has been available to us.

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What comes to your mind when you say business?

Originally Answered: Whats comes to your mind when I say “business”? Freedom. Idea. Risks. Funding. Competitors. Customers. Investors. Challanges. Teamwork. Breakeven point. Profits. And finally a lamborghini. Pretty much in the same order although last one depends on your personal choice. P.S: I think too far ahead.

What do the farmers give the humans?

They give us eggs, milk, even meat if they get sold to slaughterhouses. In the meantime, farmers give them the least possible. They get very little food, water, and they are stuck in a barn most of the time. 4. What do the humans do that makes them evil in Old Major’s eyes?

How to make the picture in Your Mind Come True?

You don’t have to tell anybody. Have your own quiet confidence that you can make the picture in your mind come true. You will start making different choices in line with your picture. You will take small steps in the right direction. You’ll also encounter obstacles. Don’t let these obstacles stop you.