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What is loving someone supposed to feel like?

What is loving someone supposed to feel like?

People who are in love generally feel a powerful sense of empathy toward their beloved, feeling the other person’s pain as their own and being willing to sacrifice anything for the other person.

How do you know if someone is taking you for a fool?

14 warning signs he’s playing you for a fool

  1. He doesn’t call you when he says he’s going to.
  2. He’s often late and doesn’t call to let you know.
  3. He doesn’t show up at all (and doesn’t call) when you have plans to see him.
  4. He has rules about how often he can see you.
  5. He doesn’t spend the holidays with you.

How do you know its love?

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9 signs that you’re falling in love, according to psychology

  1. You can’t stop staring at them.
  2. You abandon your usual activities.
  3. You don’t mind when they do something unattractive.
  4. They can do no wrong.
  5. You feel unusually optimistic.
  6. You always think about them.
  7. You want them to be happy.

How to be a fool in love?

The way to be a FOOL in love is to hold on tight, reign it in and let it eat me up inside. It is to assume that everyone else has it together and I’m messier or worse off. It is to hold back my appreciation in an attempt gain power over another. It is to harden my heart so I won’t get hurt.

Does falling in love make you feel ridiculous?

Falling in love makes otherwise smart and self-respecting people feel, and act, ridiculous. This is a fact. Whether it’s finding pathetic excuses to call again when he doesn’t call back right away, or scheming to run into her outside her office “by accident,” I don’t know anyone hasn’t, at least once, gone a bit bonkers for a new love.

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Does being courageous make you a fool?

That does NOT make me a fool! Being the one to express care, desire, truth and love, especially in the face of the unknown and with the possibility of rejection, is actually an act of courage! But in order to be that courageous, you have to love yourself enough to be able to risk the possibility of rejection.