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What is rough set & fuzzy set approach?

What is rough set & fuzzy set approach?

In computer science, a rough set, first described by Polish computer scientist Zdzisław I. In the standard version of rough set theory (Pawlak 1991), the lower- and upper-approximation sets are crisp sets, but in other variations, the approximating sets may be fuzzy sets.

What is fuzzy rough set?

A fuzzy-rough set is a generalisation of a rough set, derived. from the approximation of a fuzzy set in a crisp approximation. space.

What are rough set properties?

It consists of attributes which cannot be removed without causing collapse of the equivalence class structure. It may be empty. It is the set of necessary attributes.

What is the difference between membership functions in fuzzy vs crisp sets?

The crisp set includes all compounds with a molecular weight (MW) of 500 to 700 and assigns them a membership value of one. All other compounds with an MW outside that set have membership equal to 0. The fuzzy set includes the set of compounds with an MW “around 600.”

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What is fuzzy set and how it is different from classical set?

From this, we can understand the difference between classical set and fuzzy set. Classical set contains elements that satisfy precise properties of membership while fuzzy set contains elements that satisfy imprecise properties of membership.

What is the use of rough set theory?

Rough set theory has been a methodology of database mining or knowledge discovery in relational databases. In its abstract form, it is a new area of uncertainty mathematics closely related to fuzzy theory. We can use rough set approach to discover structural relationship within imprecise and noisy data.

What is fuzzy set in data mining?

Fuzzy Set Theory is also called Possibility Theory. This theory allows us to work at a high level of abstraction. It also provides us the means for dealing with imprecise measurement of data. The fuzzy set theory also allows us to deal with vague or inexact facts.

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What is the difference between fuzzy set and fuzzy logic?

A Fuzzy Set is any set that allows its members to have different degree of membership, called membership function, having interval [0,1]. Fuzzy Logic is derived from fuzzy set theory • Many degree of membership (between 0 to 1) are allowed.

What is fuzzy logic distinguish between fuzzy set and crisp set?

Differentiate Fuzzy logic and crisp logic in AI

In fuzzy logic we can take intermediate value between 0 and 1 in crisp logic we can take binary value either 0 or 1 (True or False).
Elements are allowed to be partially included in set Elements is either the member of a set or not

What are the different fuzzy sets?

Fuzzy set operations: union, intersection and complement. Centroid (a very widely used operation by practitioners of such sets, and also an important uncertainty measure for them) Other uncertainty measures [fuzziness, cardinality, variance and skewness and uncertainty bounds.

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Are the fuzzy set theory defines fuzzy operators?

Explanation: None. Explanation: Fuzzy set theory defines fuzzy operators on fuzzy sets. The problem in applying this is that the appropriate fuzzy operator may not be known. For this reason, fuzzy logic usually uses IF-THEN rules, or constructs that are equivalent, such as fuzzy associative matrices.