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What is the advantage of using gets over scanf?

What is the advantage of using gets over scanf?

scanf() reads input until it encounters whitespace, newline or End Of File(EOF) whereas gets() reads input until it encounters newline or End Of File(EOF), gets() does not stop reading input when it encounters whitespace instead it takes whitespace as a string.

What is the format specifier used in scanf to read a single character from the standard input?

Format Specifier s – strings. d – decimal integers. f – floating-point numbers. c – a single character.

What is the difference between scanf and fscanf?

The scanf() function reads input from the standard input stream stdin, fscanf() reads input from the stream pointer stream, and sscanf() reads its input from the character string pointed to by str.

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How do you read a sentence in C?

Scanning and Printing a sentence in C

  1. AchyutMS. I wrote the following C program which gets a sentence as input and print it back as output: #inlcude int main() { char string[30]; scanf(“\%s “,string); printf(“\n \%s “,string); return 0; }
  2. Sudhakar.
  3. Srivignesh.
  4. Sabarinathan.
  5. AchyutMS.
  6. Sudhakar.
  7. AchyutMS.
  8. Srivignesh.

Why is it safer to use Getchar than scanf?

Since it processes more than one characters at each call, scanf() is potentially faster. scanf() is far easier to use – getchar() may be “safer” on its own, but you will have to write a lot of code around it to get some actual functionality out of it.

Why is Getchar better than scanf?

The main difference between scanf and getchar is that scanf is a formatted way of reading input from the keyboard while getchar reads a single character from the keyboard. The header file provides functions to perform standard input and output operations.

Which format specifier is used for reading an integer type of value in scanf function?

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Example 5: Integer Input/Output Here, we have used \%d format specifier inside the scanf() function to take int input from the user.

What does Fscanf do in C?

The fscanf() function is used to read set of characters from file. It reads a word from the file and returns EOF at the end of file.

Does fscanf read one line at a time?

Each call to fscanf() reads one line from the file.

What is the difference between the scanf () and sscanf () functions Linkedin?

The scanf() function reads input from the standard input stream stdin. The sscanf() function reads its input from the character string pointed to by its first argument.

What is the correct format of reading word string in C?

Reading Strings Format conversion ”\%s” can be used in scanf for reading strings not containing white spaces: scanf(“\%s”, str) ‘&’ not required before str as it is a pointer. C string library provides gets(str) to read a string. It does not skip white spaces like scanf does.

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What is Getchar function in C?

getchar is a function in C programming language that reads a single character from the standard input stream stdin, regardless of what it is, and returns it to the program. It is specified in ANSI-C and is the most basic input function in C. It is included in the stdio. h header file.