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What is the benefit to using liquid fuel compared to solid fuel?

What is the benefit to using liquid fuel compared to solid fuel?

Advantages of liquid fuels : They possess higher calorific value per unit mass than solid fuels. They burn without forming dust, ash, clinkers etc. Their firing is easier and also fire can be extinguished easily by stopping the liquid fuel supply. They are easy to transport through pipes.

Why do rockets use liquid rocket fuel instead of solid rocket fuel?

Advantages. Liquid-fueled rockets have higher specific impulse than solid rockets and are capable of being throttled, shut down, and restarted. Only the combustion chamber of a liquid-fueled rocket needs to withstand high combustion pressures and temperatures.

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Why do modern rockets use liquid instead of solid fuel?

What are the advantages of using solid fuel?

Advantages of solid fuels :

  • They are easy to transport.
  • They are convenient to store without any risk of spontaneous explosion.
  • Their cost of production is low.
  • They possess moderate ignition temperature.

Which is better solid or liquid rocket fuel?

Solid rockets typically have higher thrust, less specific impulse, shorter burn times, and a higher mass than liquid rockets, and additionally cannot be stopped once lit.

Why is liquid fuel used in rockets?

A liquid-propellant rocket or liquid rocket utilizes a rocket engine that uses liquid propellants. Liquids are desirable because they have a reasonably high density and high specific impulse (Isp). This allows the volume of the propellant tanks to be relatively low.

Which fuel is more advantageous?

Advantages of Natural Gas Natural Gas is Environmentally Clean: Among many burning fossil fuels available on planet earth, natural gas is the most cleanest. It is considered clean because unlike other gases, natural gas emits very less byproducts into the atmosphere as pollutants.