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What is the best AR for zombies?

What is the best AR for zombies?

The AK-47 has been a fan-favorite in Call Of Duty, and in Cold War, it stands out as one of the best Assault Rifles in all of Zombies. The AK-47 has a solid rate of fire as well as damage output, two of the most important things in the mode.

Is the MG 82 good in Zombies?

The MG 82 tears up the undead in Zombies, and it’s well worth upgrading the Light Machine Gun weapon class with Aetherium Crystals to benefit from the associated critical and armor penetration bonus damage. You’ll also gain access to all eight attachments.

Are Zombie Tools good?

First and foremost, Zombie Tools blades are very well made. The blade symmetry and grind angles are all reasonably consistent. The blades all use either 5160 or 6150 spring steel which is extremely tough and holds an edge well.

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What are the best swords for a zombie apocalypse?

Given all that, I’d go for something like a simple Naval cutlass, or a plain old machete. Fairly small, so easy to carry and run with, and the machete would double as a useful general purpose tool, so you are not carrying unnecessary weight. So, we need a sword to kill zombies.

What would be the best gun for a zombie apocalypse?

A crossbow or bow and arrow may be ideal for the first variable, but what about the availability of arrows in the zombie apocalypse. If you have made friends with your inner caveman, no problem…just make your own, but if you’re like most of us you may need to simply focus on magazine size and the popularity/availability of the rounds for that gun.

What’s the best 9mm pistol to keep?

The top pistol is a Vietnam war issue in 9 mm. A pistol and a rifle combo for close quarter combat, an M1911 and AR both chambered in 9 mm. The M1911 pistol and AR 15 rifle are good combination to keep. Chambered in readily available 9 mm ammunitions, the 9 mm are widely used by the US and European military, police and other law enforcements.

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What’s the best pump to use to kill a zombie?

A stock 12-gauge pistol grip pump is ideal because it’s compact and easy to use, you’ll be able to find shells virtually anywhere, and it delivers devastating power. One shot to the head at close range will take out any zombie. If you prefer 16 or 20-gauge, that’s fine. They all perform similarly at close range.

What should I look for in a Zombie weapon?

1. Stealth Capabilities Large caliber weapons may give you the confidence and reassurance in your firepower that you’re looking for, but consider the advantage of a weapon that will not give away your position to other zombies. Loud noises attract zombies. The louder the gunfire, the larger the radius is of incoming zombies.