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What is the best fret wire size?

What is the best fret wire size?

Best Fret Wire in the World. Most fret profiles have a standard 0.020″ tang width. For installation, it is typically recommended that it is installed into a 0.023″ fret slot. Other tang sizes will require different slot sizes.

Why are 6105 frets so popular?

The 6105 is a tall fret (almost as tall as the 6000 size) but quite a bit narrower in width. These are great for getting the added pluses of string bendability and a thicker, meatier sound too. Guitarists that do a lot of bending, such as blues and fusion players, should definitely check out these bigger options.

What size fret wire does Martin use?

Action is action, measured to the top of the fret. Most of the standard Stew Mac wire is under . 040″, and the Jescar wire (standard) is 0.037″.

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Are jumbo frets better?

The main advantage of jumbo frets, is that when playing lead guitar runs, riffs and licks and solos, it is easier to bend the note by pushing the string towards the edge of the neck while fretting. Most frets classified as “jumbo” are both taller and wider than standard frets.

What fret wire does Gibson use?

Jescar Fret Wire 55090 The classic 6105 as used by Gibson and Fender over the years.

What fret wire does Martin use?

Medium widths are the most popular (used extensively by Martin, Fender and Gibson). #0148 Medium is our best seller.

What fret wire did SRV use?

The guitar featured frets that measured 0.110″ wide by 0.055″ when new, similar to Dunlop 6100 fretwire. String height was measured to be 5/64″ on the high E string and 7/64″ on the low E string. Each string had three full winds for the best angle at the bone nut.

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What should I look for when shopping for fret wire?

There are three measurements to pay attention to when shopping for fret wire. Look at the end of a piece of fret wire or look at the edge of a guitar fretboard that doesn’t have binding. You’ll see that the ends of the frets are shaped kinda like a capital “ T ” with a rounded top.

What size frets do I need for my guitar?

Wide Frets (usually between .100″ and .110″)—If you are a heavy metal shredder or rock player, you most likely love these frets. Lots of sustain and great for bending and tapping. These wide or jumbo frets are often used for electric guitars and basses.

What are the hardest fret wires?

Stainless Steel (Hardness: HV5/250)—This is the hardest fret wire on the list, and because of that extreme hardness, there are some pros and some cons. The pros are that they last virtually forever and they stay looking good too. I mentioned earlier that some of the guitars I installed this on were re-frets.

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How important is the fret wire on a guitar?

It’s easy to over look just how important the proper fret wire can be for any guitar or other stringed instrument. The frets serve as one of the main anchor points for the strings of your guitar. Because of this, the frets can have a huge impact on the feel, playability, and even the overall setup of your instrument.