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What is the best scene in Lord of the Rings?

What is the best scene in Lord of the Rings?

12 of the best scenes in The Lord of the Rings

  • Bilbo’s birthday (The Fellowship of the Ring)
  • The Helm’s Deep Battle build up (The Two Towers)
  • Ride of the Rohirrim (Return of the King)
  • Lighting the beacons (Return of the King)
  • Sméagol talks to himself (The Two Towers)
  • Balin’s Tomb (The Fellowship of the Ring)

Why do people like the lord of the ring?

On the one hand, Lord of the Rings is a great adventure story, but the book is much more multi-dimensional. In particular, Tolkien develops many intriguing characters with their own very believable qualities. We feel very much drawn into their stories and adventures. The depth and scope of the book.

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Why did the Balrog wake up?

The dwarves dug too deep and accidentally stumbled upon the Balrog, waking it up. Ever since then it lurked within Moria. The text is quite clear – the dwarves delved too deep in their greed for mithril, and woke it.

Do people still like Lord of the Rings?

The Lord of the Rings books and movies are extremely beloved. Even now, a long time after the books were released and many years after the last movie left theaters. Lord of the Rings still has a passionate, dedicated fan base today.

Who are the most powerful beings in Lord of the Rings?

The most powerful beings in Lord of the Rings are the Maiar and Valar, also known as wizards. Descended from the magical spirits of the Valar, the majority of the wizards in Middle-earth relocated to the Undying Lands of Valinor, where they exist as pure energy that can never be destroyed.

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What is the most terrifying scene in Lord of the Rings?

Lord Of The Rings: The 10 Most Terrifying Scenes, Ranked. 1 10 Galadriel Snaps. Throughout the story, Frodo Baggins often tries to get rid of the ring to various people, and one of those attempts creates a 2 9 Becoming Gollum. 3 8 Army Of The Dead. 4 7 The Witch-King Arrives. 5 6 Balin’s Tomb.

What are the different beings in The Lord of the Rings?

The Different Beings In Lord Of The Rings Explained 1 Maiar and Valar: Wizards. The most powerful beings in Lord of the Rings are the Maiar and Valar, also known as wizards. 2 Elves. 3 Men. 4 Dwarves. 5 Hobbits. 6 Orcs and Uruk-hai. 7 Ents. 8 Trolls and Ogres. 9 The Spiders. 10 Dragons.

Why is Gandalf so scary in The Lord of the Rings?

The reason this is so scary is that nobody expects her to act like this. She comes across incredibly kind and sweet, but in reality, her powers are immense and she knows that with the ring, that would be dangerous. Scaring the life out of Frodo, as well as everyone watching, this is a truly terrifying moment.