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What is the best way to maintain a friendship?

What is the best way to maintain a friendship?

What You Can Do To Keep Friends

  1. Keep Having Interactions That Sustain The Friendship.
  2. Keep The Interactions Frequent.
  3. Don’t Push Away Your Friends For No Reason.
  4. Deal With Friendship Conflicts, It’s Worth The Temporary Pain.
  5. Remember, Your Friend Isn’t A Stone; They’ll Change.
  6. Be More Open To Your Friends.

Why do I have trouble maintaining friendships?

Social anxiety This self-doubt can cause trouble keeping friends. Social anxiety often makes it hard to think rationally. Instead of enjoying the moment, you might feel preoccupied with what the other person is thinking. Social anxiety can also affect your desire to spend time with other people.

In what ways can you improve being a good friend?

The Qualities of A Good Friend

  • Feeling good. Good friends say nice things to each other.
  • Supporting each other.
  • Love the differences.
  • Be a good listener.
  • Be a trustworthy friend.
  • Maintain respect and respectful boundaries.
  • Give them your time.
  • Reciprocal connection.
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What makes a best friend a best friend?

“A best friend should be somebody who makes you want to be a better person,” Bonior said. “They make you feel inspired and you inspire each other to do better. Maybe they’re living their life in such a way that you get motivation. So that means that you genuinely admire this person and they admire you.

What are the traits of a good friend?

To help identify them, Bustle asked experts to weigh in on the essential traits that make a good friend.

  • They’re Trustworthy.
  • They’re Supportive.
  • They Accept You As You Are.
  • They Actively Listen.
  • They’re Emotionally Available.
  • They Have Similar Interests.
  • They Show Up During Tough Times.
  • They’re Reciprocal.

What kind of person makes a good friend?

Good friends are loyal and accept you for who you are during the good and bad times. Good friends are also honest — honest enough to tell you when you’re not being a good friend yourself. Some people only want to surround themselves with people who will tell them what they want to hear.