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What is the caste of Chauhans?

What is the caste of Chauhans?

Chauhan, Chouhan, Chohan, or Chohhan, is a clan name found amongst the Rajputs of northern India.

Is Chauhans a Rajput?

Rajput bardic accounts describe the Chauhans as one of the four Agnikula Rajput clans which claims to have originated from a sacrificial fire-pit (agnikunda) at Mount Abu to fight against the Asuras or demons whereas in context Agnikula is considered as another branch of Suryavanshi Rajput descent.

Is Gurjar and Rajput are same?

Rajputs are a warrior clan while the Gurjars are primarily a pastoral community. The Gurjars claim that the king, who was from the Gurjara-Pratihara dynasty of north India, is an icon of their community. The Rajputs dispute this.

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Which is the highest caste in Rajput?

Thakurs are upper-caste Rajputs. They are a dominant landowning caste. Thakur is a term of respect used in different ways. It is sometimes used to describe Brahmins.

What is the gotra of Chauhans?

The Chauhan gotra is found among the Rajputs, Jats and Gujars. The Harsh Inscription reveals that Chauhans considered themselves as Suryavanshi Khsatriyas in 10th century AD. The Hammir Mahakavya of 1400 AD also writes Chauhans as Suryavanshi Ksatriyas. James Tod places it in the list of Thirty Six Royal Races.

Who were Chauhans Class 7?

The Chauhans acted as the feudatories of Pratiharas and stood by them during Arab invasions. They ruled the Sakambari region in the 11th century. Ajaipal Chauhan established the Chauhan dynasty. He founded Ajmer city in the seventh century.

Is Gujjar and Jatt are same?

A gujjar or gurjar is one who keeps, tends, rears sheep, cow, buffalo for milk. They are located in along the Shivaliks, in parts of Haryana, UP and Rajasthan. A jatt, especially in Punjab, Haryana, parts of Rajasthan and western UP, is one who owns and tills land and is engaged in agriculture.

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Why did Rajput and Gurjar fight?

In UP, Gurjars and Rajputs are staking claim over historical king Mihir Bhoj. The controversy arose when the plaque of the statue that originally read ‘Gurjar Pratihar Samrat Mihir Bhoj’ was changed to only ‘Pratihar Samrat Mihir Bhoj’ before the unveiling.

What is Gurjar caste?

Gurjars are one of the 6 main carpenter (Suthar) castes of Gujarat, and are believed to be of Central Asian descent. They are listed among the Other Backward Classes of Gujarat.

Is Prithviraj Chauhan was Rajput?

Chauhan is known as a Rajput king from Chahmana dynasty. “Piles of historical evidence in the different languages, including Persian, Jainism, Prakrit and Sanskrit suggest that Chauhan comes from a Gurjar clan,” said Vickram.

Which caste does the surname ‘Chauhan’ belong to?

Chauhan as a caste belongs to Rajput warrior that has its ancestral ties in history related to famous Rajput king Prithviraj Chauhan who defeated Mhmd Ghori and they reside in various corners of Rajasthan, NorthIndia, however there is another lonia caste which also assigns it’s surname as Chauhan…

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Is Chauhan Rajput a Rajput surname?

Now a days, it has been noticed that, many people started using SINGH as Surname, just to get aligned with Rajput community, which is pure act of Fakeness. Originally, Chauhan Rajput are Elite Rajput category which naturally come under GENERAL CASTE. For better understanding about Rajput Cummunity please visit – History of Rajputs in India

Is Surya Chauhan a Jatt or OBC/SC?

Even in all the Rajput Castes there is distinction : Tomars are top most , Chauhan, Rathore , Bais are Second , and Surya Chauhan are Rajputs . No Chauhan is a Jatt or OBC/SC,s this surname is wrongly used by many Other Backward Castes.

Is the Chauhan family in OBC category?

They come under OBC category. Chauhan surname is very much faked now a days. Valmikis (Sweepers) near Delhi, Jatav (Chamars) of Western UP and MP, Nonia/Lonia of Eastern UP and Bihar, Beldar of MP and Bundelkhand region, and other SC/ST castes of Jharkhand and Chattisgarh use this surname.