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What is the difference between colloidal silica and reactive silica?

What is the difference between colloidal silica and reactive silica?

The key difference between colloidal silica and reactive silica is that colloidal silica is the polymeric form of silicon, whereas reactive silica is the non-polymeric form of silicon. This substance forms when silicon and oxygen react with each other and another metal or mineral.

What is colloidal silica in water?

In the most general terms colloidal silica is a dispersion of amorphous silicon dioxide (silica) particles in water. These amorphous silica particles are produced by polymerizing silica nuclei from silicate solutions under alkaline conditions to form nanometer sized silica sols with high surface area.

What is the meaning of reactive silica?

The silica, SiO2 , present within various clay minerals occurring in bauxite. During the Bayer process digestion of bauxite, this silica reacts with comparable amounts of alumina to form insoluble sodium aluminum silicate, which is lost as refinery plant residue.

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What is colloidal silica in boiler water?

Colloidal silica is non-ionic, and is typically found in surface waters. Colloidal silica slips through the demineralisation (DM) plant to get converted into reactive silica at high temperature and pressure leading to severe problems in boilers.

What is colloidal silica good for?

Colloidal silica is used in a broad range of industries and applications, including: Densification of concrete, cement, and other materials. Fine retention in paper manufacturing. Enhanced bonding of waterborne adhesives.

How can you tell colloidal silica?

Most size measurements of colloidal silica are performed using dynamic light scattering (DLS) instruments such as the SZ-100 Nanoparticle Analyzer. The LA-960 Laser Diffraction Analyzer can uniquely measure down to the 30 nm size range, so this laser diffraction instrument is also an option for such tests.

Is colloidal silica the same as fumed silica?

Fumed Silica also known as Colloidal Silica is a filler often used in epoxy.

How is colloidal silica made?

Colloidal silicas are most often prepared in a multi-step process where an alkali-silicate solution is partially neutralized, leading to the formation of silica nuclei. The subunits of colloidal silica particles are typically in the range of 1 to 5 nm. These products are often called precipitated silica or silica sols.

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How do you remove colloidal silica from water?

Dissolved silica is best removed through reverse osmosis, while colloidal silica is best removed through ultrafiltration. It is always important to have your water tested for silica by a laboratory, in order to determine both the concentration and state of the silica present.

How is colloidal silica removed?

SILICA REMOVAL Dissolved silica is best removed through reverse osmosis, while colloidal silica is best removed through ultrafiltration. It is always important to have your water tested for silica by a laboratory, in order to determine both the concentration and state of the silica present.

Is colloidal silica safe?

Colloidal silica is not classified as harmful, but as mildly irritating. Because the products can have a drying effect on the skin, protective gloves should always be used. In case of skin contact, wash the area of contact with plenty of water. The use of safety glasses is always recommended.

How many types of silica are found in water?

The three common kinds of silica are soluble, colloidal and particulate. The standard test for the analysis of silica in water is a rapid technique based upon the blue reduced silicomolybdate complex.

What is the difference between reactive and colloidal silica?

Colloidal silica as the name suggests, is polymerised silica in an insoluble colloidal form without a charge and hence not exchangable over ion exchangers. Reactive silica exists as sodium silicate and hence exchangable over type 1 anion exchanger which has highest affinity for silica.

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What is silica in water?

Silica is generally found in water supplies in three different forms: reactive, colloidal and suspended particles (e.g., sand), with the reactive being that portion of the total dissolved silica that is readily reacted in the standard molybdate colorimetric test, and the colloidal being that which is not.

What is reactive silica and how is it used?

Reactive silica is the form that RO and ion exchange chemists hope for. Reactive silica is the form of silica to be used in RO projection programs. Reactive silica, though it has anionic characteristics, is not counted as an anion in terms of balancing a water analysis but it is counted as a part of total TDS.

What type of silica is in SiO2?

Silica (SiO2) The “Total Silica” content of a water is composed of “Reactive Silica” and ” Unreactive Silica “. Reactive silica (e.g. silicates SiO4 ) is dissolved silica that is slightly ionized and has not been polymerized into a long chain.