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What is the difference between Fock space and Hilbert space?

What is the difference between Fock space and Hilbert space?

Notice that in the Hilbert space all particles have a clear identity (A or B in the example) and may even possess well defined states (the colors in the example) if they are distinguishable, whereas in the Fock space no particle has a clear identity or a well defined state.

What is the significance of Hilbert space?

In mathematics, a Hilbert space is an inner product space that is complete with respect to the norm defined by the inner product. Hilbert spaces serve to clarify and generalize the concept of Fourier expansion and certain linear transformations such as the Fourier transform.

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Why do we do quantum mechanics on Hilbert spaces?

A Hilbert space is an abstract vector space possessing the structure of an inner product that allows length and angle to be measured. Furthermore, Hilbert spaces are complete: there are enough limits in the space to allow the techniques of calculus to be used.

Are Hilbert spaces Banach spaces?

Hilbert spaces with their norm given by the inner product are examples of Banach spaces. While a Hilbert space is always a Banach space, the converse need not hold. Therefore, it is possible for a Banach space not to have a norm given by an inner product.

Are Hilbert spaces metric spaces?

In direct analogy with n-dimensional Euclidean space, Hilbert space is a vector space that has a natural inner product, or dot product, providing a distance function. Under this distance function it becomes a complete metric space and, thus, is an example of what mathematicians call a complete inner product space.

What is Hilbert space in quantum mechanics Quora?

A Hilbert space is an inner product space that is complete, that is, a space where any sequence of points that get closer and closer to each other converges to some point. Loosely speaking, a complete space is one where you can construct a thing provided that you can construct arbitrarily good approximations of it.

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Is every Hilbert space a Banach space?

What is a thermal state?

Temperature: The thermal state of a body considered with reference to its ability to transfer heat to other bodies. The body losing heat is defined as having a higher temperature, the body receiving it as having a lower temperature.

Are all LP spaces Hilbert spaces?

However, neither Lp(R) nor ℓp is a Hilbert space when p = 2. Example 2.3 (Finite dimensional Hilbert spaces). The space Cn, finite-dimensional complex Euclidean space, is a Hilbert space.

What is the significance of the concept of a Hilbert space?

The significance of the concept of a Hilbert space was underlined with the realization that it offers one of the best mathematical formulations of quantum mechanics.

What is the Hilbert space of the dot product?

Every finite-dimensional inner product space is also a Hilbert space. The basic feature of the dot product that connects it with Euclidean geometry is that it is related to both the length (or norm) of a vector, denoted ||x||, and to the angle θ between two vectors x and y by means of the formula

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What is the difference between Hilbert and Sobolev spaces?

Sobolev spaces, denoted by H s or W s, 2, are Hilbert spaces. These are a special kind of function space in which differentiation may be performed, but that (unlike other Banach spaces such as the Hölder spaces) support the structure of an inner product.

What is an orthonormal basis in a Hilbert space?

In a Hilbert space H, an orthonormal basis is a family {e k} k ∈ B of elements of H satisfying the conditions: Orthogonality: Every two different elements of B are orthogonal: ⟨e k, e j⟩ = 0 for all k, j ∈ B with k ≠ j. Normalization: Every element of the family has norm 1: ||e k|| = 1 for all k ∈ B.