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What is the difference between git pull and git pull rebase?

What is the difference between git pull and git pull rebase?

Git pull allows you to integrate with and fetch from another repository or local Git branch. Git rebase allows you to rewrite commits from one branch onto another branch. Git pull rebase is a method of combining your local unpublished changes with the latest published changes on your remote.

What is the difference between git pull and git fetch?

git fetch is the command that tells your local git to retrieve the latest meta-data info from the original (yet doesn’t do any file transferring. It’s more like just checking to see if there are any changes available). git pull on the other hand does that AND brings (copy) those changes from the remote repository.

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Do I need to git fetch before rebase?

If the upstream public branch has been rebased in a sensible way (e.g. squashing / fixing up commits, or dropping commits which shouldn’t have been put there) then the magic works in your favour. In this case if you want to put back those dropped commits, you should instead use git fetch; git rebase .

Should I use git pull or fetch?

When comparing Git pull vs fetch, Git fetch is a safer alternative because it pulls in all the commits from your remote but doesn’t make any changes to your local files. Git fetch is a bit different; you can use the Git fetch command to see all of the remote’s changes without applying them.

What git fetch does?

In review, git fetch is a primary command used to download contents from a remote repository. git fetch is used in conjunction with git remote , git branch , git checkout , and git reset to update a local repository to the state of a remote.

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What is git rebase?

Rebase is one of two Git utilities that specializes in integrating changes from one branch onto another. The other change integration utility is git merge . Merge is always a forward moving change record. Alternatively, rebase has powerful history rewriting features.

Why does git pull after rebase?

The reason why git status reports that feature and origin/feature diverge after the rebase is due to the fact that rebasing brings in new commits to feature , plus it rewrites the commits that were previously pushed to origin/feature .

What is the difference between pull and clone and fetch?

git clone is used for just downloading exactly what is currently working on the remote server repository and saving it in your machine’s folder where that project is placed. git pull is a (clone(download) + merge) operation and mostly used when you are working as teamwork.

What is difference between merge and rebase?

Git rebase and merge both integrate changes from one branch into another. Git rebase moves a feature branch into a master. Git merge adds a new commit, preserving the history.