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What is the difference between intuition and sensing?

What is the difference between intuition and sensing?

Sensing and intuition, in the most basic terms, have to do with how you take in information. As their names imply, sensors take in information through their senses, and intuitives take in information through their intuition. Sensors use their five senses to take in information about the world around them.

What is the difference between S and N MBTI?

If the second letter of your Myers-Briggs type is an “N,” you would be considered intuitive rather than sensing. Where S types favor their senses and facts, N’s are concerned with deeper meanings and patterns. They often have an abstract, roundabout way of thinking.

What does intuition over sensing mean?

Both sound good to different people. The second letter of the MBTI test, Sensing (S) and Intuition (N) is how you process information. Someone who is strong in sensing lives in the now and enjoys facts. While being Intuitive means you try and find the deeper meaning in things.

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Who is smarter Intuitives or sensors?

The conclusion was that neither sensors or intuitives are smarter than the other, but they do tend to have different types of intelligence. As a result, timed tests tend to favor intuitives, but sensors would likely have similar scores if they trusted their hunches and didn’t go over their questions a second time.

What is the difference between S and N?

What does intuitive mean in personality test?

Intuitive personality types rely on imagining the past and future potential of what they see. Being Intuitive doesn’t mean someone can’t be practical, and being Observant doesn’t mean a lack of imagination. They both use their minds and their physical senses well.

Do you pay more attention to sensing or intuition?

The second pair of psychological preferences is Sensing and Intuition. Do you pay more attention to information that comes in through your five senses (Sensing), or do you pay more attention to the patterns and possibilities that you see in the information you receive (Intuition)? Everyone spends some time Sensing and some time using Intuition.

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What is the difference between intuitive and intuitivesensing?

Sensing types prefer the known, the factual, the actual, the concrete. They are present-oriented and prefer a grounded approach taking in information that has practical application and may see concepts and theoretical models as a bit airy-fairy. Intuitive types prefer seeing possibilities, shapes and patterns.

What is intuiting in psychology?

Intuiting is a process of taking in information in concepts and visually, around future possibilities and where, according to Jung: …actual reality counts only in so far as it seems to harbour possibilities which then become the supreme motivating force, regardless of the way things actually are in the present.