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What is the difference between no confidence and censure motion?

What is the difference between no confidence and censure motion?

On the other hand, “censure” is meant to show disapproval and does not result in the resignation of ministers. The motion of censure may be against an individual minister or a group of ministers. However, depending on a country’s constitution, a no-confidence motion may be more directed against the entire cabinet.

What is the meaning of censure motion?

The motion to censure is a main motion expressing a strong opinion of disapproval that could be debated by the assembly and adopted by a majority vote.

What is no confidence motion in assembly?

No confidence motions are intended to express want of confidence in, or disapproval of the policy in a particular respect of a Minister or the Ministry as a whole. The member intending to move such a motion has to give notice in writing to the Principal Secretary before the commencement of the sitting.

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What is no confidence motion Byjus?

No Confidence Motion also called as Motion of No Confidence, a Vote of No Confidence is a formal proposal in Lok Sabha to evoke a decision of the house. No Confidence Motion can only be introduced in the Lok Sabha. Important for IAS Exam, Motion of No Confidence forms a part of Indian Polity (Main GS-II) subject.

What is no confidence motion 12?

No confidence motion is an endorsement or vote which conditions that an individual or a group is not able to hold the position of responsibility (government or managerial), possibly because they are inadequate in some respect.

What is the meaning of no confidence?

: a formal vote by which the members of a legislature or similar deliberative body indicate that they no longer support a leader, government, etc.

What do you mean by no confidence motion for class 9?

What is the difference between censure?

To ‘censor’ means to remove, block, or interfere with the communication of another. To ‘censure’, on the other hand, means “to find fault with and criticize as blameworthy.” Censure also derives from censēre and refers to a judicial sentence or official reprimand or criticism.

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What does the term censured mean?

an official reprimand, as by a legislative body of one of its members. verb (used with object), cen·sured, cen·sur·ing. to criticize or reproach in a harsh or vehement manner: She is more to be pitied than censured. to give censure, adverse criticism, disapproval, or blame.

Answer Censure motion is moved against the Council of Ministers, a group of ministers or as individual Minister for the failure to perform duties. The censure motion is usually moved by the opposition party against the ruling party or any of its ministers for failure to act in certain matter.

What is a no confidence motion?

No Confidence motion is one of the motions passed by the legislature operational only in a parliamentary form of the Government. In any parliamentary system, the no-confidence motion a statement or vote that the government is no longer fit to rule. The loss of support of the lower house is responsible for the passing of no-confidence motion.

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What is the difference between censure and no confidence in ministers?

Depending on the constitution of the body concerned, no confidence would lead to dismissal of the Council of Ministers or other position-holders, whereas censure is meant to show disapproval and does not result in the resignation of ministers.

Can a no-confidence motion be passed against the entire Council of Ministers?

A no-confidence motion can be passed against the entire council of ministers only. Article 75 of the Constitution of India states that the council of ministers is collectively responsible to the Lok Sabha as long as it enjoys the confidence of a majority of the members of the house.