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What is the fear of mother called?

What is the fear of mother called?

Terminology. The term tokophobia was introduced in the medical literature in 2000. The word is from the Greek tokos, meaning childbirth and phobos, meaning fear.

Is there a phobia of being scared of your parents?

“Parent Phobia”. It’s not one of the conditions listed in the many phobias people have but needs to be. His Parent Phobia amounts to Child Abuse and Elder Abuse as he denies his children any contact with grandparents and denies parents their grandchildren. That’s how bad a PHOBIA can become.

How do I know if I have tokophobia?

Symptoms of tokophobia can include sleep disturbances, panic attacks, nightmares, and avoidance behaviors. Women may sometimes avoid any sexual activity out of fear of becoming pregnant.

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Is it bad that I’m afraid of my mom?

Yes, it’s bad, but you’re not bad. If you’re afraid of your mom then your mom has done damage to you and your relationship. I was always scared of my mom. Now as an adult I’ve realized she has a personality disorder. She was very abusive and scary (rarely hit me, but the terror was there all the same).

Is it normal to feel scared of your own mum?

It isn’t normal to feel scared of your own mum. A mother should be someone you can share everything with, be close to and confidant with. It should be a healthy relationship that you both have together. To feel scared of your mum there must be reasons to feel this way.

Is it bad to live with an angry mother?

The answer is No. it Sounds like your mother is controlling and an angry woman or can jump into a rage quickly. For this reason I suggest that you seek counseling on your own in order to learn how to deal with this type of parent. I grew up with a very angry mother and it does have consequences that you CAN overcome.

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Is it a bad thing to hit your mother?

If you are being physically struck by your mother or a parental figure then yes this a bad thing; a horrible thing. The police should be contacted if you cannot find a way for the abuse to stop. If you afraid to leave your room, or afraid to go home, then this is a bad thing. A very horrible and cruel thing.