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What is the first thing you should do if you see a fire?

What is the first thing you should do if you see a fire?

If You Discover a Fire …

  • Pull the fire alarm and call for help.
  • Alert people in the area to begin evacuation.
  • Close doors to confine the fire.
  • Go to your designated assembly area, away and upwind from the building.

How can we protect ourselves from fire?

Top Tips for Fire Safety

  1. Install smoke alarms on every level of your home, inside bedrooms and outside sleeping areas.
  2. Test smoke alarms every month.
  3. Talk with all family members about a fire escape plan and practice the plan twice a year.
  4. If a fire occurs in your home, GET OUT, STAY OUT and CALL FOR HELP.

How can we prevent fire at home and school?

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1) Fit smoke alarms and fire extinguishers in homes and schools. 2) Take care before you leave the gas-stove unattended. 3) Non-cooking equipment such as plastic, towel etc must be kept away from the gas-stove. 4) Electrical appliances such as room heaters should be kept away from furnishings and flammable items.

How do you deal with fire at school?

What To Do In Case Of Fire In School

  1. Sound The Alarm. Anyone discovering an outbreak of fire must, without hesitation, sound the alarm by operating the nearest fire alarm call point.
  2. Call The Fire Service.
  3. Evacuate.
  4. Assemble.
  5. Roll Call.

How can we reduce fire in school?

Every floor must have a fire extinguisher, smoke alarm, and sprinklers. The condition of the equipment must be periodically monitored by the school authorities. The school authorities in India must also make sure that the schools’ buildings are constructed as per the latest NCB guidelines.

What is the best action to take to escape from a fire?

Stop what you’re doing. Drop to the ground and cover your face if you can. Roll over and over or back and forth until the flames go out. Running will only make the fire burn faster.

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How do you manage fire?

Activate the first fire alarm you see and try to help others to evacuate the building. Close doors behind you to help prevent the fire from spreading. Follow the evacuation procedure if you’re at your workplace or follow the escape route signs if you’re a visitor. Listen to instructions given by the Fire Marshal.

How do you escape an apartment fire?

If you must return to your apartment or remain in your apartment because escape routes are blocked, open a window slightly to let smoke escape. Do not break the window because you may need to close it if there is smoke on the outside. Do not jump. You may not survive the fall.

How can we prevent fire at home in school?

How to be prepared in case of fire?

Be prepared in case of fire Get a fire mask. A fire mask isn’t ordinarily on the list of prepper supplies, since many preppers already own a gas mask. Have a fire escape plan! A fire escape ladder is a “must have” item if you’re a prepper who has a bedroom on the second or third story. Have a fire blanket handy. Put Fire extinguishers in every room.

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What should you do in case of an electrical fire?

In case of an electrical fire, never try to douse the fire with water. If the fire is small, then turn off the circuit breaker, unplug the cord and use a fire extinguisher to put out the fire. If you do not have one for your home, baking soda is a great alternative.

What should you do in case of a grease fire?

Don’t place a wet towel over a grease fire to snuff out the oxygen, either. Do not throw any other baking product on the fire. Flour and baking powder may look similar to baking soda, but they won’t have the same effect. Only baking soda and salt are safe and effective on a grease fire.

What to do if a fire starts?

If a fire does start in your home, it is important to exit the building as quickly as possible. Do not delay escaping to collect belongings. Fire extinguishers can be used to quickly stop a small fire before it has time to spread.