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What is the future of ECE branch?

What is the future of ECE branch?

In the coming years, the trend will continue, and ECE will eventually emerge as one of the most prominent fields of engineering studies with substantial demand for ECE engineers all over the world. The electronics industry is booming rapidly, and so is progressing the rate of employment in this sector.

What is the future of an ECE student?

ECE students can have careers in industries like consumer electronics manufacturing organization, Automotive, Telecommunication & IT industries, Health care equipment manufacturing, Mobile communication (2G, 3G, and 4G), Internet technologies, Power Electronics, and other industries like steel, petroleum and chemical …

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Which branch has more scope in engineering in 2024?

The most demanding engineering branch would be Electrical Engineering (also known as ECE,EE)due,to high demand for electrical vehicles in the upcoming years in India. Electrical sector would be booming.

What will be the future of ECE in 2020?

(This will change by 2020 we will be open to new cheap hardware). Electronics industry might see a boom by 2020, demand of ECE students are increasing. Demand for high quality ECE scientists will increase several folds. Demand for CSE will still be ahead of ECE but salary on average will decline.

What is the future scope of CSE in government sector?

As per going with current trends and the upcoming future, CSE branch will continue to flourish than any other branches. CSE branch has relatively high placement opportunities which turns to high salary packages relatively to other branches. But there isn’t any scope of CSE in governement sector.

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Which one is better CSE or ECE?

For government sector jobs, ECE should be preferred over CSE any day. Good luck. Both are equivalently good sector. CSE course will be easy through out your 4 years but ECE will be very tough. Any branch that is integrated with electronics is named as an evergreen branch of engineering.

What is the scope of electronics and Communication Engineering in 2020?

Electronics and Communication Engineering graduates will have good scope even beyond 2020 (personal opinion). Some of the factors favouring ECE scenario: Growing convergence between hardware and software – this is something that electronics engineers have an edge in when compared to Computer grads.