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What is the greatest number you can make by multiplying a pair of whole numbers that sum to 20?

What is the greatest number you can make by multiplying a pair of whole numbers that sum to 20?

× . = … 7 + 8 = 15, a whole number 5 + 5 = 10, a whole number 0 + 15 = 15, a whole number . + .

When you multiply 2 numbers you will always get a bigger number?

Multiplication doesn’t always make bigger numbers But, it doesn’t, not always. Children initially learn that multiplication is repeated addition, so it would make sense that multiplying two values together makes a larger product than both of the multipliers.

What does it mean when the product of the numbers is negative positive?

When you multiply a negative number by a positive number then the product is always negative. When you multiply two negative numbers or two positive numbers then the product is always positive. For the denominator (-3) to become the numerator (-12), you would have to multiply it by 4, therefore the quotient is 4.

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How do you solve GCF problems?

Here’s how to find the GCF of a set of numbers using prime factorization:

  1. List the prime factors of each number.
  2. Circle every common prime factor — that is, every prime factor that’s a factor of every number in the set.
  3. Multiply all the circled numbers. The result is the GCF.

What happens when you multiply a positive number by a positive number greater than one?

Whenever you multiply a positive number by a factor greater than 1, the product will be larger than the original number. Whenever you multiply a positive number by a positive factor less than 1, the product will be smaller than the original number.

When you multiply a number by 2 the answer is always greater than 2?

No, it all depends on the numbers being used: For Example: If (-4) * (+7) = -28, who’s answer IS smaller than either of the two numbers being multiplied. or if (1) * (2) = 2, then the answer equals one of the numbers.

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How many 101 do you think are there if numbers 1 to 100 are paired?

The trick is realizing that 1 + 100 is 101, as is 2 + 99 and 3 + 98 and so on, through 50 + 51. That’s 50 pairs of numbers that each add up to 101. So the answer is 50 × 101. That’s 5,050.

Is it possible for two numbers to have the difference of 6 and the sum of 6?

Sum of two numbers is 50 and their difference is 10. Find the numbers.

What are the rules for positive and negative numbers?

Rules for Positive and Negative Numbers

  • A positive number has a value greater than zero.
  • A negative number has a value less than zero.
  • The sum of a positive number and its equal negative number is zero.
  • Zero is neither a positive nor negative number.

What is a negative and a positive?

Any number above zero is a positive number . Positive numbers can either be written without a sign or with a + sign in front of them. Any number below zero is a negative number . Negative numbers are always written with a – sign in front of them. Zero is neither positive nor negative.

How many times can you multiply integers?

Multiplying integers is just like the multiplication of whole numbers, except that with integers, you have to keep tract of your signs. Instead of adding 6 three times, you can multiply 6 by 3 and get 18, the same answer.

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How do you multiply integers with negative numbers?

In general,when multiplying integers, remember the followings: The reasoning is the same; Instead of adding -3 two times, you can just multiply -3 by 2. To model this on the number line, just start at 0 and put 2 groups of -3 of the number line. You end up at -6 and -6 is negative.

What is 6 multiplied by 3 to get 18?

Instead of adding 6 three times, you can multiply 6 by 3 and get 18, the same answer. You can think of this as four groups of 2. This situation is shown in the number line below. You basically start at 0 and count by 2’s until you have put four 2’s on the number line.

How do you multiply integers with signs?

Multiplying Integers. Multiplying integers is just like the multiplication of whole numbers, except that with integers, you have to keep tract of your signs. Recall that 6 + 6 + 6 = 6 × 3. Instead of adding 6 three times, you can multiply 6 by 3 and get 18, the same answer.
