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What is the meaning of Mehrgarh?

What is the meaning of Mehrgarh?

Mehrgarh (Balochi: مہرگڑھ‎; Urdu: مہرگڑھ‎) is a Neolithic archaeological site (dated c. 7000 BCE – c. 2500/2000 BCE) situated on the Kacchi Plain of Balochistan in Pakistan. It is located near the Bolan Pass, to the west of the Indus River and between the modern-day Pakistani cities of Quetta, Kalat and Sibi.

What was found in Mehrgarh?

At the ancient site of Mehrgarh, where the earliest evidence has been found, barley was the dominant crop and was apparently supplemented with some wheat. The barley found there is the well-developed domesticate, six-row barley.

Where is Mehrgarh is located in?

Mehrgarh is a Neolithic archaeological site situated on the Kacchi Plain of Balochistan in Pakistan. It is located near the Bolan Pass, to the west of the Indus River and between the modern-day Pakistani cities of Quetta, Kalat and Sibi.

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What is the capital of Mehrgarh?

Mehrgarh was also a site of the same civilization which, in fact, predates Harappa. It is not known what was the capital of the Indus Valley Civilization. But most archaeologists believe either Mohenjodaro or Harappa was the capital.

Who lived in Mehrgarh?

Answer: Archaeologists think that many people who lived in Mehrgarh were hunters to start with and that herding became important later because at the earlier levels of the excavation sites, bones of wild animals such as deer and pig were found while at the later levels more bones of sheep, goats and cattle were found.

Who were Mehrgarh?

The Mehrgarh people were ingenious craftsmen who fashioned their tools from the local copper ore and also used the ore as pigment. At a nearby archaeological site at Nausharo, a pottery workshop was discovered dating back to 4500 years ago.

What is the importance of Mehrgarh?

Mehrgarh is considered to be one of the most important Neolithic sites in archaeology. It is now considered to be a precursor to the Indus Valley Civilisation. Its discovery shed new light on the development of agricultural technologies and agrarian lifestyles of the ancient Stone Age people of South Asia.

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Why is Mehrgarh an important site?

What is the importance of mehrgarh?

Which animal bones were excavated at the site of mehrgarh?

Mehrgarh:- At this site many animal bones were found. Bones of wild animals such as the deer and pig, and also bones of sheep and goat were found.