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What is the most common word Spelt wrong?

What is the most common word Spelt wrong?

The most common English misspellings

Correct spelling Spelling advice Common misspelling
millennium, millennia double l, double n millenium, millenia
Neanderthal ends with -thal Neandertal
necessary one c, two s’s neccessary
noticeable remember the middle e noticable

Which words are spelled incorrectly?

Oxford Says These 17 Words Are Spelled Wrong Most Often (Out of More Than 2 Billion)

Correct Spelling Common Misspelling
bizarre bizzare
calendar calender
Caribbean Carribean
conscious concious

What’s the most difficult word to spell?

Top 10 Hardest Words to Spell

  • Misspell.
  • Pharaoh.
  • Weird.
  • Intelligence.
  • Pronunciation.
  • Handkerchief.
  • logorrhea.
  • Chiaroscurist.

What’s the most hardest word to spell?

What was the most misspelled word last year?

According to a new report, the most misspelled word last year was . . . “QUARANTINE.” It was the most googled “how to spell” search in 12 different states. A lot of people thought it was spelled “CORN TEEN.”

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What are the most commonly misspelled words with silent letters?

Here is a list of the most commonly mispronounced English words that have silent letters.

  • The letter ‘d’ is silent in: sandwich /ˈsæn.wɪdʒ/ and Wednesday /ˈwenz.deɪ/
  • The letter ‘p’ is slient in:
  • The letter ‘b’ is silent in:
  • The letter ‘e’ is silent in:
  • The letter ‘n’ is silent in:
  • The letter ‘l’ is silent in:

Why can’t I pronounce ‘s’ in Portuguese?

When you pronounce the letter ‘s’ in Portuguese it sounds like ‘ese’, so the inclusion of extra vowel sounds in words that begin with ‘s’ in English can be a challenge for Portuguese speakers. Words such as ‘strap’ might be pronounced ‘estrap’, which is wrong. Another example is ‘strange’ becoming ‘estrange’ (difference meaning in English).

Why can’t I Pronounce ‘rang’ in Portuguese?

Due to this, it’s common that Portuguese speakers create a nasalisation of the final ‘m’ or ‘n’ sounds in English words. For example, ‘ran’ might become ‘rang’ or ‘can’ could be pronounced ‘cang’. Many Portuguese speakers of English have difficulty distinguishing between words like pig/big or gale/kale.

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Why can’t I differentiate between words in Portuguese and English?

Many Portuguese speakers of English have difficulty distinguishing between words like pig/big or gale/kale. This is because the letters P, B, G and K are pronounced differently in each language: Native English speakers often pronounce these letters as aspirated phonemes, which means more air is pushed out just after the sound.

What are the most common mistakes Portuguese speakers make?

Some examples are: This is another extremely common mistake amongst Portuguese speakers. Most ESL learners pronounce ‘ed’ as a separate sound within the word, which is incorrect. The proper English pronunciation of the ‘ed’ sound will finish on the hard consonant sound of ‘d’ or ‘t’.