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What is the most mind-blowing fact ever?

What is the most mind-blowing fact ever?

20 Crazy Facts That Will Blow Your Mind

  • Humans are the Only Animals That Enjoy Spicy Foods.
  • Humans Are Also the Only Animals Whose Brains Shrink.
  • Potato Chips Cause More Weight Gain Than Any Other Food.
  • That Fish is Probably Labeled Wrong.
  • Bananas Can’t Reproduce.
  • It’s Impossible to Hum While You Hold Your Nose.

What is the most interesting thing in history?

50 Amazing Historical Facts You Never Knew

  • Turkeys Were Once Worshipped Like Gods.
  • Paul Revere Never Actually Shouted, “The British Are Coming!”
  • The Olympics Used to Award Medals for Art.
  • One Time, 100 Imposters Claimed to Be Marie Antoinette’s Dead Son.
  • Napoleon Was Once Attacked By a Horde of Bunnies.
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What are the strange facts?

65 Facts So Weird You Won’t Believe They’re True

  • There’s a company that turns dead bodies into an ocean reef.
  • The name “bonobo” resulted from a misspelling.
  • There is an annual Coffee Break Festival.
  • You can buy a flying bicycle.
  • Dolphins sleep with one eye open.
  • Vacuum cleaners were originally horse-drawn.

What are some ridiculous facts?

50 Ridiculous Facts You Didn’t Know Were True

  • A single sneeze travels 100 miles per hour and shoots 100,000 germs into the air.
  • You’re born with just 1 pint of blood, but by the time you’re an adult you have 4 to 5 quarts.
  • The human body contains enough fat to make seven bars of soap.

Did you know facts about dogs?

10 amazing facts about dogs

  • Their sense of smell is at least 40x better than ours.
  • Some have such good noses they can sniff out medical problems.
  • Dogs can sniff at the same time as breathing.
  • Some dogs are incredible swimmers.
  • Some are fast and could even beat a cheetah!
  • Dogs don’t sweat like we do.
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What is the most mind-blowing fact you know about nature?

There is an uninhabited island in the Bahamas known as Pig Beach, which is populated entirely by swimming pigs. Catnip is ten times more effective at repelling mosquitoes than DEET, the main substance used in insect repellents. If eaten in one meal, 30 to 90 grams of polar bear liver is enough to kill a human being.

What are some mind-blowing facts about Alaska?

The national animal of Scotland is the Unicorn. The directors of the film Despicable Me actually wrote their own language for the Minions called Minionise. The mayor of the Alaskan town, Talkeetna, is called Stubbs and has been mayor of the town since July 1997.

What are some mind-blowing facts about Australia?

Australia has over 10,000 beaches. You could visit a new beach every day for over 27 years! It was Nicholas Cage who first advised Johnny Depp to pursue a career in acting, during the mid-1980s. The national animal of Scotland is the Unicorn. The directors of the film Despicable Me actually wrote their own language for the Minions called Minionise.