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What is the motion of the Centre of mass?

What is the motion of the Centre of mass?

The center-of-mass (COM) is the single point on a structure which characterizes the motion of the object if the object shrinks to a point mass. If a net force is applied to the COM the resulting motion will be translation (the object will not rotate).

What does it mean when we say motion is relative?

Definition of relative motion 1 : motion as observed from or referred to some material system constituting a frame of reference (as two adjacent walls and floor of a room) — see relativity sense 3. 2 : the motion of one body with respect to another regarded as fixed — compare relative velocity.

Why it is important to know the motion of the center of mass?

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This is useful because it makes it easy to solve mechanics problems where we have to describe the motion of oddly-shaped objects and complicated systems. If we push on a rigid object at its center of mass, then the object will always move as if it is a point mass.

How do you find velocity relative to center of mass?

The center of mass velocity equation is the sum of each particle’s momentum (mass times velocity) divided by the total mass of the system. Where: m represents mass in kilograms (kg) v represents velocity in meters per second (m/s)

What is motion of Centre of mass Class 11?

The centre of mass moves as if the whole mass of the system is concentrated at it and the external force is acting on it. The total momentum of the system of particles is equal to the product of the total mass of the system and the velocity of the centre of mass. We have Fext = dp/dt.

How do you find the center of motion?

The center of motion of a simple harmonic motio is when the velocity is maximum.

  1. The amplitude is a=6m.
  2. The period is T=8h.
  3. The angular velocity is ω=2πT=2π8=π4=0.785radh−1.
  4. vm=a×ω=6⋅0.785=4.71mh−1.
  5. When t=3h and x=4m.
  6. x=asin(ωt+ϕ)
  7. 4=6sin(0.785⋅3+ϕ)
  8. sin(0.785⋅3+ϕ)=23.

What is CG and centroid?

The words centre and gravity are derived from the Latin or Greek words which mean “centrum” and “gravitation”. The centre of gravity (CG) of any object is referred to as the point where gravity acts on the body. While the centroid refers to the geometrical centre of a uniform density object.

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What is meant by the Centre of mass and Centre of gravity?

Centre of mass is the point at which the distribution of mass is equal in all directions and does not depend on gravitational field. Centre of gravity is the point at which the distribution of weight is equal in all directions and it does depend on gravitational field.

Is Centre of mass and Centre of gravity same?

The center of mass is the mean position of the mass in an object. Then there’s the center of gravity, which is the point where gravity appears to act. For many objects, these two points are in exactly the same place. But they’re only the same when the gravitational field is uniform across an object.

What is the motion of the center of mass related to?

The motion of the center of mass is related to the external impulse and it is independent of the point at which the external force is being applied. If we are only interested on study the translational motion of the object then the point of application of the force is not important and neither is the object dimensions.

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Why is the center of mass at rest independent of force?

Because the object is initially at rest, then: The motion of the center of mass is related to the external impulse and it is independent of the point at which the external force is being applied.

What does the translation of the center of mass depend on?

The translation of the center of mass depends only on the sum of the external forces and not on the point of application of the forces. In this question, the force is applied at the left of the center of mass. As a result, the center of mass of the object translates and the object rotates about its center of mass.

How do you find the center of mass of an object?

Typically, that point of reference is the center of mass(CM) between the objects. However, you may also observe the motion with respect to your own viewpoint or some fixed reference. In such a case, you often cannot tell where the center of mass (CM) is actually located.