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What is the probability of existence of God?

What is the probability of existence of God?

a 67\%
A scientist has calculated that there is a 67\% chance that God exists. Dr Stephen Unwin has used a 200-year-old formula to calculate the probability of the existence of an omnipotent being.

What is it called when you don’t believe in god but a higher power?

Agnostic: Not sure in the existence of a higher power either way; Deist: Believes in a god but not one which has been revealed and is only observable in nature generally not from supernatural observances or revelation; Theist: Believes in a higher power that has a person and is revealed in nature; and.

How does the ontological argument prove the existence of God?

III. As an “a priori” argument, the Ontological Argument tries to “prove” the existence of God by establishing the necessity of God’s existence through an explanation of the concept of existence or necessary being.

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What is the first cause theory?

first cause, in philosophy, the self-created being (i.e., God) to which every chain of causes must ultimately go back. The term was used by Greek thinkers and became an underlying assumption in the Judeo-Christian tradition. Aquinas argued that the observable order of causation is not self-explanatory.

Can science prove the existence of God?

Science can never prove or disprove the existence of God, but if we use our beliefs as an excuse to draw conclusions that scientifically, we’re not ready for, we run the grave risk of depriving ourselves of what we might have come to truly learn.

What is big data and when did it start?

The term ‘Big Data’ has been in use since the early 1990s. Although it is not exactly known who first used the term, most people credit John R. Mashey (who at the time worked at Silicon Graphics) for making the term popular. In its true essence, Big Data is not something that is completely new or only of the last two decades.

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How will big data change the way we do business?

Big data will change how even the smallest companies do business as data collection and interpretation become more accessible. New, innovative, and cost-effective technologies are constantly emerging and improving that makes it incredibly easy for any organization to seamlessly implement big data solutions.

What happens when you utilize the wrong data sets?

Utilizing the wrong data sets can result in catastrophic consequences that leads the entire company in the wrong direction. Professional data analysts are skilled in translating big data into valuable insights efficiently and accurately.