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What is the probability that the subcommittee consists of 2 men and 1 woman given that it contains both men and women?

What is the probability that the subcommittee consists of 2 men and 1 woman given that it contains both men and women?

Put it all together, and the probability is 360/640, or 0.5625.

How many committees of 3 members can be formed from 6 gentlemen and 4 ladies?

3 of 6 is (63)=6.5. 43.2. 1=5.4=20.

Is forming a committee permutation or combination?

As a result, we have only three committees and not six. Forming word sequences is an example of permutations, while forming committees is an example of combinations – the topic of this section.

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How many committee of 5 members can be formed from 6 gentlemen and 4 ladies?

According to the question we have to make a committee of 5 and in each committee formed there must be at least one lady. There are 6 gentlemen and 4 ladies. Hence, the required number of committees is 246.

How many combinations of a 6 man committee can be formed out of 5 mathematician and 4 biologist in which 4 mathematician must be included?

A committee of 5 out of 6 + 4= 10 can be made in 10C5 = 252 ways.

How many ways can a committee of 4 members can be formed?

A committee of 4 people be selected from a group of 7 people in 35 ways.

How many ways a 6 member team can be formed having three men and three ladies from a group of 6 men and 7 ladies?

How many ways a 6 member team can be formed having 3 men and 3 ladies from a group of 6 men and 7 ladies? Question 4 Explanation: We have to pick 3 men from 6 available men and 3 ladies from 7 available ladies. Required number of ways = 6C3 * 7C3 = 20 * 35 = 700.

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How many persons are there in the Committee of four?

There is a total of 12 persons from which to choose. To obtain a committee of four consisting of all women means you must select 4 out of the 4 women while selecting none of the 8 men.

What is the probability that the group will contain 2 men?

The probability that the group will contain 2 men and 2 women is 0.32967. To find the probability that the group will contain at least 1 man and 1 woman, I will consider the complement. The complement is the event where the group contains either all men or all women (This when X = 0 or X = 4).

How many women and men can be on the Committee?

There are 8 women that can go into 2 slots: C8,2 = 8! (2!)(6!) = 8 ×7 × 6! 2 × 6! = 28 and 6 men who can go into the remaining 2 slots: The total number of ways we can fill the slots on the committee is:

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What is the probability of the fourth selection choosing a woman?

The probability of the fourth selection choosing one of the 7 remaining women from the remaining pool of 13 is: 7/13. The probability of the fifth selection choosing one of the 6 remaining women from the remaining pool of 12 is: 6/12 (or 1/2). The answer is the product of these five probabilities.
