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What is the problem with tyranny of the majority?

What is the problem with tyranny of the majority?

The issue is sometimes presented as a paradox. If a majority is not entitled to do so, then it is thereby deprived of its rights; but if a majority is entitled to do so, then it can deprive the minority of its rights. The paradox is supposed to show that no solution can be both democratic and just.

What are the flaws in a democratic government?

the main flaws in a democratic government is the rule of law, an independent judiciary and the liberty of the regardless of their opinion and crucial. there is a chance of widespread and evergreen corruption.

Who describe democracy as the tyranny of the majority rule?

Alexis de Tocqueville on the Tyranny of the Majority.

Does Democracy require minority rights or majority rule?

What it all comes down to is that democracy requires minority rights as much as it does majority rule. As understood today, that means the minority’s rights must be protected, no matter how alienated they are from the majority of society.

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What are the challenges of democracy?

After two decades marked by a quantum leap in the number of countries formally considered as democracies, it is widely understood that new and emerging democratic states confront a complex, many-layered set of often competing political, social and economic challenges.

Who has the most votes in a democracy?

Whoever has the most votes, wins. Majority rule is a concept inherent in any democracy.

Is government by the people possible in a democracy?

We all know that when we vote on anything from school board elections to national elections, the election is won by determining who has the majority of votes. Whoever has the most votes, wins. Majority rule is a concept inherent in any democracy. Typically, when we talk about “government by the people,” we mean government by majority rule.