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What is the purpose of folk music?

What is the purpose of folk music?

It is the use of human expression in order to describe one’s way of life (Forcucci, 1984). Because the purpose of folk song is to describe human experiences, it is not surprising that a variety of folk songs exist.

What happens during a folk revival?

In a lot of ways, there were two schools during the folk revival: the singer/songwriters who wrote their own words to traditional melodies and, in some cases, began writing entirely new melodies; and the old-timers, who simply stuck to traditional songs and styles, popularizing the music of Appalachia, Cajun music, and …

What caused the folk revival?

The folk revival in New York City was rooted in the resurgent interest in square dancing and folk dancing there in the 1940s as espoused by instructors such as Margot Mayo, which gave musicians such as Pete Seeger popular exposure.

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What can be done to preserve and promote folk song?

By organizing cultural festivals. By promoting local rock songs. By making publicity through media. By including the subject matter about folk songs and music in the curriculum of schools and colleges.

What is a music revival?

A music revival comprises an effort to perform and promote music that is valued as old or historical and is usually perceived to be threatened or moribund. Generally speaking, revival efforts engage a number of intertwined processes and issues.

What is the mood of folk songs?

The singing tone is normally open and liquid. The prevailing mood of many songs is joyful and sensual, often dra- matic. Orgiastic pleasure in sex and aggressive behavior is dramatized with little reticence; instruments are mainly rhythmic in character; there is much hand-clapped rhythm (21).

How did folk music change in the 70s?

The 1960s folk revival offered political commentary while articulating a powerful promise for change. By the 1970s, folk music had begun to fade into the background, as the US pulled out of Vietnam and the Civil Rights Movement saw its biggest triumphs. Throughout the decade, folk singers continued to persevere.

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What age did folk music appeal to?

Folk music had some popularity in the 1940s and early 1950s, but the left-wing political position of many folk artists caused problems for them during the Red Scare; during the early 1960s, after the folk revival began, many folk musicians were again more openly political.

How do you promote folk songs?

Why folk songs are worth preserving?

Importance of Folk Music in a Society Folk never eliminates people and culture from its lyrics and rhythms. It keeps the people connected to their past and their culture. Society needs to remember their past and keep it alive. Your past provides the right direction to your future.

How important is folk song in our culture?

Among all the genres of music around the world, Folk music has to be and is the most important one in a society and culture. As the name suggests, Folk is the music of the people. Folk never eliminates people and culture from its lyrics and rhythms. It keeps the people connected to their past and their culture.

How does the form of a folk song change over time?

The form of a folk song as heard at any one time, however, is likely to have been very much affected by the entire community because of its life in oral tradition. Once introduced, a song could be easily dropped from the repertory.

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What is the repertory of a folk song?

The repertory of a folk community probably always included songs of very diverse origins. The form of a folk song as heard at any one time, however, is likely to have been very much affected by the entire community because of its life in oral tradition. Once introduced, a song could be easily dropped from the repertory.

What is the composition process of folk music?

The compositional process of folk music differs little from that of popular and classical music. For example, the composer may create new songs by drawing together lines, phrases, and musical motifs from extant songs, possibly combined with entirely new ones and with standard opening or closing formulas.

How many verses should a folk song have?

Folk music certainly has its share of dozen-verse songs, sometimes to the detriment of the story. Unless you’re Woody Guthrie, chances are your song shouldn’t go on forever. The verse-chorus-verse-chorus format is pretty safe, particularly if you plan on heading to open mic with this thing when it’s done.