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What is the wiser stand?

Q: What is the National Library of Medicine? Click here to go to the NLM home page. Q: What is WISER? A: WISER stands for the Wireless Information System for Emergency Responders. It is a system designed to assist emergency responders in hazardous material incidents.

Which has a more significant influence on human development nature or nurture?

(PhysOrg.com) — Nurture could have an even greater effect than originally thought, according to a University of Manchester study that is set to shake up the ‘nature versus nurture’ debate.

What is the nature versus nurture debate about?

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The Debate The nature versus nurture debate is one of the oldest issues in psychology. The debate centers on the relative contributions of genetic inheritance and environmental factors to human development. Genetic traits handed down from parents influence the individual differences that make each person unique.

What is stability vs change?

Stability implies personality traits present during infancy endure throughout the lifespan. In contrast, change theorists argue that personalities are modified by interactions with family, experiences at school, and acculturation.

What is continuous and discontinuous development?

Continuous development sees our development as a cumulative process: Changes are gradual. On the other hand, discontinuous development sees our development as taking place in specific steps or stages: Changes are sudden.

What is continuity versus discontinuity?

The continuity view says that change is gradual. Children become more skillful in thinking, talking or acting much the same way as they get taller. The discontinuity view sees development as more abrupt-a succession of changes that produce different behaviors in different age-specific life periods called stages.

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In what way are nature and nurture not opposed to each other?

In the “nature vs nurture” debate, nurture refers to personal experiences (i.e. empiricism or behaviorism). Nature is your genes. The physical and personality traits determined by your genes stay the same irrespective of where you were born and raised. Nurture refers to your childhood, or how you were brought up.

What do sociologists believe about Nature Vs Nurture?

The premise of the Nature vs Nurture debate is as to whether Nature (biology, instinct) or Nurture (socialisation, social structures etc) is the force behind behind human behaviour. Sociology as a discipline tends to seem as though it subscribes to the nurture side of the Nature vs Nurture debate.

Which of the following has been the most important disappointment of nature nurture studies?

The outcomes of nature–nurture studies have fallen short of our expectations (of establishing clear-cut bases for traits) in many ways. The most disappointing outcome has been the inability to organize traits from more- to less-genetic.

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What is continuity vs discontinuity?