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What is vaporization and give example?

What is vaporization and give example?

When a liquid changes form into a gas, the process is called vaporization. You can watch vaporization when you boil a pot of water. Boiling is the rapid vaporization of a liquid—the steam that comes out of a boiling kettle is actually visible water vapor.

What is vaporisation class 9th?

→ Vaporization is a process which occurs when a element or a chemical is converted from a liquid or solid to a gas. It can be define as the amount of heat needed for the conversation of 1 kg liquid at its boiling point at same temperature.

What is evaporation BYJU’s?

Evaporation can generally be defined as a process by which a liquid or solid is transformed into vapour. This is an effect of evaporation or the change of matter from its liquid state to its vapour state.

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What is vaporization Byjus?

Vaporization can be defined as the process in which liquid state changes into the vapour state. As a result, they escape into the surrounding in the form of vapours. This process involves the consumption of heat energy.

What is vaporization in chemistry class 8?

The process of change of liquid to vapours on heating is called vaporization.

What is evaporation 8th?

Evaporation is the process in which a liquid changes to a gas without becoming hot enough to boil. It occurs when individual liquid particles at the exposed surface of the liquid absorb just enough energy to overcome the force of attraction with other liquid particles.

What is class10 evaporation?

> Evaporation is the phase transition process of water by which molecules change in vapor state. For example: Water spontaneously becomes gaseous (water vapors). It is the type of vaporization that takes place on the surface of a liquid as it changes itself into a gaseous phase.

What is solidification Class 9 Ncert?

The phenomenon of change of liquid to solid is called solidification. For instance, formation of ice from water.

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What is difference between evaporation and vaporization Class 9?

During evaporation, the liquid state of matter is turned directly into a gas. Vaporization is usually a fast process and requires less amount of energy. Evaporation is generally a slower process and requires more energy as the molecules have a high tendency to convert into the vapour phase.

What is vaporization in thermodynamics?

Vaporization can be defined as the process in which liquid state changes into the vapour state. As a result of an increase in temperature, the kinetic energy of the molecules increases. As a result, they escape into the surrounding in the form of vapours. This process involves the consumption of heat energy.

What is evaporation by BYJU’s?

Answer: Evaporation can generally be defined as a process by which a liquid or solid is transformed into vapour. Evaporation is the process of changing the state of water from liquid to gaseous or vapour. The evaporation of acetone, which is used to remove nail polish, is another example of evaporation.

What is 7th water cycle?

Water of Class 7 The water from the oceans and surface of the earth evaporates and rises up in the air. It cools and condenses to form clouds and then falls back to the earth as rain, snow or hail. This circulation of water between the oceans and land is called water cycle.

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What is the meaning of the word “vaporization”?

Vaporization (or vaporisation) of an element or compound is a phase transition from the liquid phase to vapor.

How many types of vaporization are there?

There are three types of vaporization, and these are as follows: 1 Evaporation 2 Boiling 3 Sublimation

How does vaporization change the state of matter?

Ans: From a solid or liquid to a gas, vaporization can alter the state of matter. The liquid state of matter is directly converted into a gas during evaporation. The molecules vaporize entirely from the surface of the liquid during evaporation. Question: Why does Vaporization Occur?

What are the factors that affect the rate of vaporization?

Factor affecting the Rate of Vaporization. Temperature: Vaporization is directly proportional to temperature. As the temperature rises the kinetic energy of the molecules also increases. As a result, the force of attraction reduces. Hence with an increase in temperature the rate of evaporation increases.
