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What made The Lord of the Rings movies so great?

What made The Lord of the Rings movies so great?

There are countless inherent reasons that The Lord of the Rings is the best cinematic fantasy epic of them all. Most of these reasons relate to the films themselves, from their epic vision and source material to their staggering production efforts, incredible runtime, and perfect continuity.

Why did Peter Jackson make Lord of the Rings?

The reason P.J. picked The Lord of the Rings is that the technology of live-action films had finally caught up to the scope of Tolkien’s imagination. He was right. He was also able to convince the studio.

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How long did Peter Jackson work on Lord of the Rings?

438 days
Principal photography for The Lord of the Rings film trilogy was conducted concurrently in New Zealand for 438 days from 11 October 1999 through 22 December 2000.

Was Peter Jackson famous before LOTR?

Disturbing yet beautifully made, this film elevated Jackson’s career to the next level. Heavenly Creatures once again put New Zealand on the silver screen, spreading a true national news story to the international world.

How does The Lord of the Rings books end?

In the novels, Frodo, exhausted by his journey to Mordor, barely participates in the ensuing rebellion against Saruman. Sam, meanwhile, leads the rebellion and eventually becomes mayor of the Shire. This final confrontation sheds new light on what Frodo says as he departs Middle-earth with the elves.

Does Peter Jackson have any cameos in The Lord of the Rings?

Aside from trying to find his cameos in The Lord of the Rings, some have also speculated that Jackson is actually playing one single character in his on-screen appearances. Peter Jackson’s The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit cameos are as follows:

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Why is Peter Jackson so famous?

Despite his various cinematic achievements, Peter Jackson will forever be known as the director responsible for bringing J.R.R. Tolkien’s Middle-earth to the big screen across 2 award-winning and financially successful trilogies.

Is Peter Jackson playing the same character in every Spider-Man movie?

Clearly, Peter Jackson is not playing the same character in every single film, as he takes on the guise of several different races throughout the series.