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What makes a good Batman?

What makes a good Batman?

Batman’s foremost qualities include wealth, physical strength, intelligence, and obsessive passion. Void of fictional circumstances or characteristics, Batman is admirable, inspirational, but most of relatable as he is a man at his greatest.

Why is Batman a complex character?

He kinda crazy like most people in the city of Gotham, he’s prideful from time to time and has massive trust issues when it comes down to deepening on others but he’s has moments of trust and moments of being kind. And those moments of softness and emotions while rare, show the complex parts of batman.

What Batman means?

The Batman, commonly referred to as Bruce Wayne, is a hero who represents the cold pragmatism of justice.

What are Batman’s skills?


Affiliation Justice League Batfamily
Powers and Abilities
Powers Gadgets, Superhuman Level Strength, Superhuman Level Agility, Superhuman Level Intellect
Primary Skill Genius Intelllect, Master Detective, Master Combatant, Master Weapons Specialist, Master of Stealth (more…)
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What did Batman study?

At age 14, Bruce embarked on a journey that took him to every continent as he sought to learn all the skills he would need to keep his vow. He studied criminology, forensics, and criminal psychology, and learned from manhunters and martial artists, mastering every fighting style.

Who was Batman trained by?

Ra’s Al Ghul was responsible for training Bruce in ‘Batman Begins’. Warner Bros. Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight trilogy revealed Alfred had a military background, but the character was never shown guiding Bruce in any training or combat techniques. When Bruce left to travel the world, Alfred did not accompany him.

Is Batman hopeful?

He’s obsessive, brooding, and seemingly wants to be a realist, but he’s almost naively optimistic. In a weird way, yes, he is. Batman consistently fights for a better world, and never gives up on the hope that he can improve his city.

Where does Batman go to train?

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He is eventually rescued by his father. After his parents’ murders, Bruce decides to leave Gotham and spends his young adult years travelling to foreign countries. He is later trained by a martial arts expert at a monastery located in the mountains of Korea. At one point, Bruce is trained by a man named Henri Ducard.

What type of training did Batman do?

He was an old ninja grandmaster that lived in his secret ninjutsu monastery in Paektu-san montains, North Korea. It was there that Batman learned ninjutsu and stealth, and also mastered the vibrating Palm technique, an exclusive teaching from Kirigi.

Why is Batman training so popular?

That’s really what the Bioneer is all about and it’s why we discuss everything here from nootropics, to ambidexterity, to bodybuilding. And it’s why Batman training really appeals to me. And if you’re going to emulate a superhero, it makes sense to start with one who has no powers. Batman is the most relatable and the most human.

Would being a spy be a good job for Batman?

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Being trained as a spy would definitely be useful for your Batman CV then. One of the things that new MI5 agents are required to do in training is to walk into a bar and get the passport number off of a ‘target’ just by talking to them.

What equipment do you need to become Batman?

Equipment is the final piece of the puzzle when it comes to becoming Batman. Unlike Iron Man, Batman’s equipment is pretty conservative, so all you’d need is some kind of light armor (like Kevlar), a few weapons (taser, baton, shark spray) and some tools (grappling hook, batarang).

What type of CrossFit training does Batman use?

So, so far your Batman training is combining CrossFit with Ninjitsu, the Keysi Fighting Method and MMA. This will make you pretty lethal but it’s only part of the story. Batman is much more than just a ripped fighter. He’s also a got tons of tricks up his sleeve and is constantly getting the drop on his opponents.