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What makes a good fantasy plot?

What makes a good fantasy plot?

For a story to be considered ‘fantasy’, it needs to contain some sort of magic system. Your magic system should play a key part in your story. Whether it’s a source of conflict (see more on this below), a driving plot force, or a means for character development, magic is of vital importance in every fantasy novel.

How do you start a good fantasy story?

How to Write a Good Hook & Start Your Novel with a Bang!

  1. Startle readers with the first line.
  2. Begin at a life-changing moment.
  3. Create intrigue about the characters.
  4. Use a setting as the inciting incident.
  5. Up the stakes within the first few pages.
  6. Introduce something ominous right away.
  7. Set the mood.

How do I come up with a better plot?

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10 Tips for Plotting Your Novel: Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Generate ideas.
  2. Start with a simple, compelling premise.
  3. Have a clear central conflict.
  4. Choose your structure.
  5. Trace out general story arcs.
  6. Build subplots.
  7. Think about cause and effect.
  8. Write a detailed outline.

How can I improve my Worldbuilding?

10 Worldbuilding Tips for Writers

  1. Establish the type of world you want. Pick a genre.
  2. Decide where to start.
  3. List the rules and laws.
  4. Describe the environment.
  5. Define the culture.
  6. Define the language.
  7. Identify the history.
  8. Use existing works to inspire you.

How do you write a fantasy book like Harry Potter?

To make the fantasy world seem realistic, describe the setting in detail, create some rules regarding magic and the supernatural, create interesting characters with realistic motives, and then write your story down. Have fun using your imagination to create a world that draws readers in!

How do you write a good story on Wattpad?

Have a good author profile picture and a professional-looking book cover. Write a short, catchy blurb for your stories. Include something interesting about yourself on your profile page, as well as links to other social media sites. Load your chapters separately, because every chapter someone reads or votes on counts!

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How do you avoid and write?

The best writing makes every word count, so words that don’t serve a purpose are best minimized. It may be that you are using “and” in many cases to join two coordinate clauses, when you might just as easily make two separate sentences. If that’s the case, try simply taking out the “ands” and making separate sentences.