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What makes vampires immortal?

What makes vampires immortal?

The Original vampires are immune to natural death, physical aging, diseases, and traditional methods of vampire destruction. The Original vampires, unlike true immortals, have conditional immortality, as they can be killed by the source of their immortality, a stake carved from the White Oak Tree.

Where did vampires first come from?

The first vampire started out as not a vampire at all, but as a human man named Ambrogio. He was an Italian-born adventurer who fate brought to Delphi, in Greece. You can read the full story here, but in a nutshell a series of blessings and curses transformed this young man into history’s first vampire.

Can vampires survive without blood?

Blood can be compared to food and drink for humans; vampires require blood to drink in order to survive. While all vampires need to consume blood, some depictions of vampires reject the idea of hurting or killing humans, so they turn to the blood of animals.

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How much blood does a vampire need?

If we assume that a vampire has similar energy requirements to an ordinary human then a male vampire will require 2.7 litres of blood per day and a female 2.2. The average human body contains around 5.5 litres, so a male vampire would have to drain around half a persons blood in order to sustain themselves for one day.

Who’s the oldest vampire in True Blood?

The oldest was Warlow, Sookie’s intended fairy prince-vampire hybrid. Hev was almost 6000 years old. Second was Russell Edgington whom was over 3000 years old when Eric killed him. I believe that leaves Eric (over 1000 years) as the oldest vampire still alive that we’ve been introduced to.

What is female vampire called?

vampiress (plural vampiresses) A female vampire.

How did the first vampire start out?

The First Vampire The first vampire started out as not a vampire at all, but as a human man named Ambrogio. It began with the sun god Apollo (Greek mythology), who in a fit of rage cursed Ambrogio, so that his skin would burn should it ever touch sunlight again.

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What is the bloodline of a vampire?

Their blood possesses mystical properties that are passed down to each and every one of the vampires they sire, along with every vampire sired by their progeny, connecting all vampires to one of the six Original vampires from whom they are descending by a bloodline.

How did Ambrogio become the first vampire?

You can read the full story here, but in a nutshell a series of blessings and curses transformed this young man into history’s first vampire. Specifically, it began with the sun god Apollo (Greek mythology), who in a fit of rage cursed Ambrogio so that his skin would burn should it ever touch sunlight again.

What happens when you take the cure for vampires?

Once taken, the cure prevents vampire blood from having any effect on them, as it will not heal their wounds, and, if the vampire dies with vampire blood in their system, they will remain dead and not awaken as a vampire in transition. Additionally, their blood becomes the cure once they’ve ingested it,…

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