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What makes WWII interesting?

What makes WWII interesting?

World War II was the first war in which nations could strike the cities, factories, fuel supplies, and transportation lines of enemy nations from long range by air. This “strategic bombing” was used to destroy enemy production, interrupt supplies, and sometimes sap the will of the civilian population.

Why was WW2 so popular?

It is famous because it involved most/all of the world’s major powers and we now have the tools, technology, and communication channels to make it famous.

What is the most interesting thing about WW2?

Total casualties for World War II were between 50 and 70 million people, 80\% of who came form only four countries — Russia, China, Germany, and Poland. Over 50\% of the casualties were civilians, with the majority of those being women and children.

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Why do people like learning about WW2?

The biggest reason why students should study about wars like World War II, are so that they can be knowledgeable about the atrocities and costs of war, and how we as a country and society can try to avoid wars in the future.

What are three important facts from WWII?

Top 10 Facts About World War 2

  • The war started on 1st September, 1939.
  • The war ended on 2nd September, 1945.
  • The war started when Germany invaded Poland.
  • The war was against The Allies and The Axis.
  • The Holocaust was one of the most terrible events to happen.
  • There were lots of major battles.

What did WW2 soldiers do for fun?

In their spare time, soldiers wrote letters and diaries, drew sketches, read books and magazines, pursued hobbies, played cards or gambled. There were also opportunities for more-organised social activities.

Was WW2 a good idea?

On the home front, WWII transformed America’s culture, technology, and economy. Industry boomed to supply the Allies with weapons and transportation, and ended the Great Depression for good. Everybody, including women, immigrants, and African Americans, had more economic opportunity than ever before.

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Why is WW2 important today?

War is the ultimate competition for supremacy among foes; it remains the same regardless of technology, politics or geography. Understanding as many wars as possible makes for the most intuitive and decisive of military leaders, and World War II still serves as one of our deepest reservoirs of relevant knowledge.

What have we learned from WWII?

World War II has taught many people different things. Some learnt about the willpower of humans and what it means when one’s homeland is invaded. Others discovered humanity’s limitations, such as whether one can push their moral boundaries to serve their country despite the pressure of their own values.

What lessons did we learn from ww2?

The war provided two contradictory lessons: the first was that war was to be avoided at all costs, the second was that democracies had to be ready to resist aggression. The second lesson led most western European states, including Germany, to rearm and join the Atlantic alliance.

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Why is it important to learn about the war?

The reason we need to study war is so everyone knows what happened and understand how bad it was and people don’t do it again. The reason we should study the wars because we don’t want to make the same mistakes. That we made in the past where there were too many wars e.g. WWI, WWII and Gallipoli.

How did WW2 change the world?

World War II also marked the beginning of trends that took decades to fully develop, including technological disruption, global economic integration and digital communication. More broadly, the wartime home front put a premium on something that’s even more crucial today: innovation.