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What mountain climbs on 3 legs but descends on 4?

What mountain climbs on 3 legs but descends on 4?

Answer is : Day and Night.

What has 4 legs in the morning 2 legs in the afternoon and 3 legs at night?

“A man.” As a baby, a human goes about on all fours (“four legs in the morning”; morning = childhood), until he learns to walk, which he does so well into adulthood (“two legs in the afternoon”; afternoon = adulthood), until old age requires him to use a cane to support himself (“three legs in the evening”, evening = …

What animal has 4 legs sometimes?

The Zebra is an example of a quadruped. Quadrupedalism (from Latin, meaning “four legs”) is a form of land animal locomotion using four legs. The majority of walking animals are quadrupeds, including mammals such as cattle and cats, and reptiles, like lizards.

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Is there any animal with 3 legs?

Unfortunately there are no land animals that have three legs naturally. Sometimes a kangaroo uses its tail when it walks but that is about as close as you are going to get to a 3 legged animal. Tripedalism is what it is called when you walk on 3 legs. There is such thing as a tripod fish.

What animal walks on 3 legs?

Apart from the parrot conjecture, there are no known species where three legs are standard, although the movement of some macropods such as kangaroos, which can alternate between resting their weight on their muscular tails and their two hind legs and hop on all three, may be an example of tripedal locomotion in …

Is there a bird with 4 legs?

Bird’s wings have evolved from arms; so they still have four limbs, it’s just that two of them are wings and two are legs. For a bird to have four legs, it would have to have six limbs. So, the answer is: no; there are no birds with four legs.

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Are there any animals with 4 legs and wings?

Bats and birds have four legs and wings, because two of the four legs are wings.

Do kangaroos have 3 legs?

Believe it or not, kangaroos have three legs! Not only that, it’s the most important of the three limbs in terms of momentum – so kangaroos walk with their tails. The ancestors of today’s kangaroos were marsupials that lived in trees and used their tails for climbing and gripping.

What animal climbs?

Gecko: More than half of the world’s gecko species have special adhesive pads on their feet that let them cling to just about any surface and even hang and climb while upside down. The animals’ feet are covered with millions of tiny hairs called setae that stick to things via van der Waals interactions.

Why does a man go up a mountain with 3 legs?

Apart from the ‘cane’ answer…a man might also go up the mountain with a leg of beef…hence the 3 legs…eat this at the top to give him energy to hunt, then catch prey with 2 legs. Thus…he went UP with 3 legs and came DOWN with 4 !

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What are some animals that climb in the Himalayas?

I know some animals who do this regularly : 1 Mountain Lions 2 Mountain Yaks 3 The Iguanas (A variety of Bigger Lizards) 4 The Ibex 5 The Nilgiri Tahr 6 Mountain Goats 7 The Llamas 8 Musk Deer 9 Well trained Local Horses & Mules who will be accustomed to climbing & trekking in and nearby areas of The Himalayas 10 Bears

Why do birds have 3 legs?

When birds migrate you could think of a part of their journey from one point to another as a ‘leg’ of the journey; thus, three legs (counting the two body parts). Which animal has 4 legs but uses 3 legs? They have 4 legs, but when fighting, (or booooring:standing upright) they use the tail as third leg.

How many legs does a baby man have?

Man when baby uses 4 legs (2hands and 2leg) but when he goes older stage he uses 3 legs (2legs and 1stick) to support his body to stand. Which is an animal that has four legs, climbs a mountain and comes back with four legs?