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What percentage of people suffer from FOMO?

What percentage of people suffer from FOMO?

FOMO is experienced by 56\% of social media users and 69\% of millennials. What percentage of social media users experience FOMO? FOMO is experienced by about 56\% of social media users. They are afraid of missing out on something important if they stay away from social media platforms.

Is FOMO an actual condition?

FOMO, or “fear of missing out,” is a real phenomenon that is becoming increasingly common and can cause significant stress in your life.

Do people still use FOMO?

FOMO, it seems, is everywhere. But, in 2020, it’s not exactly the traditional rendition, the feeling brought on by looking at someone else’s vacation pics or food porn. But then again, nothing is traditional anymore. For adults, it may be missing out on weddings or family gatherings during the holidays.

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What is fear of missing out called?

In 2013 the word “FOMO” was officially added to the Oxford Dictionary. This clever acronym, which stands for fear of missing out, was coined to describe that anxious feeling that can arise when you feel there is a more exciting prospect that is happening elsewhere — and unfortunately, you’re not there.

What are some statistics about FOMO?

FOMO Statistics 1 48\% of millennials have spent money they didn’t have to keep up with friends. 2 69\% (7 in 10) of millennials experience FOMO. 3 60\% of people make purchases because of FOMO, mostly within 24 hours. 4 56\% of people who experience FOMO are ages 18-30. 5 33\% of people purposely try to conduct FOMO among their peers.

What is FOMO and how does it affect our self-concept?

Dogan studied the responses of 566 respondents and found “that FOMO is positively associated with interdependant self-construal.” This finding means the fear of missing out is intimately connected to the ways that individuals understand and experience the world – and what they feel they’re being excluded from.

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What is FOMO (fear of missing out)?

FOMO, or fear of missing out, is the feeling of anxiety that a person experiences when they think they’re missing out on something. Generally, these feelings are caused by seeing posts on social media. However, it’s often triggered during online shopping experiences as well. Did you know that 56\% of social media users experience FOMO?

What does FOMO stand for?

The term FOMO refers to the modern-day acronym for Fear of Missing Out. It has been added to the Oxford Dictionary very recently in 2013 and here’s what it means… What is FOMO? (FOMO meaning) FOMO or Fear of Missing Out is the feeling of anxiety triggered by the possibility of not being included in an exciting event that others are experiencing.