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What scenes are in Lord of the Rings Extended Edition?

What scenes are in Lord of the Rings Extended Edition?

The following scenes have all been extended: The Finding of the Ring; The Road to Isengard; Return to Edoras; Minas Tirith; The Paths of the Dead; The Siege of Gondor; The Tomb of the Stewards; The Pyre of Denethor; The Battle of the Pelennor Fields; The Last Debate; Mount Doom.

How much longer is the extended cut of Lord of the Rings?

With 51 minutes of extra footage, the extended edition for the third and final film in the Lord of the Rings trilogy adds on almost an hour’s worth of new content. This brings The Return of the King’s total runtime to 4 hours and 11 minutes.

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What are the extended scenes in The Lord of the Rings?

Extended scenes. Each extended edition features scenes which do not appear in the corresponding theatrical edition, as well as scenes which are simply expanded upon. These scenes are as follows: The Fellowship of the Ring. Prologue: One Ring to Rule them All… (Extended) Concerning Hobbits (Added) The Shire (Extended) Very Old Friends (Extended)

What is the extended edition of The Lord of the Rings?

The Lord of the Rings: Special Extended Edition is a version of Peter Jackson ‘s Lord of the Rings film trilogy. These versions have new editing, additional special effects and music, and also more scenes and content than the theatrical versions. Each film is two discs, and two appendices. The Fellowship of the Ring contains 30 minutes of

Why is there so much extra content in The Lord of the Rings?

Perhaps the biggest reason why there’s so much extra content in the extended editions is because each film is at least three hours long – and that’s without the deleted material. Here’s what was added in the Lord of the Rings extended additions.

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How long is The Lord of the Rings Return of the King?

The Extended Edition Lord of the Rings Return of the king is 4 hours and 11 minutes long (251 minutes). This version contains the most extended scenes that together add 51 minutes more of runtime to the film.