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What should I do if the reason for my job separation is not listed in the drop-down list of online application?

What should I do if the reason for my job separation is not listed in the drop-down list of online application?

You have a limited number of options to tell us why you are no longer employed. Choose the one that best describes your situation. When you select a reason, you may be asked to provide more detail. If you cannot locate a description that best describes your situation, you might want to call the claims center to apply for unemployment benefits.

Is full-time work the best option for You?

Full-time work is the default setting in our society, but that doesn’t make it your best option. Surrounded by examples of successful businesses whose founders worked 80 hour weeks to make it happen, most people never fully explore the possibilities of being a part-timer. What’s stopping you: the money?

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Should I work full-time or be my own boss?

Given the choice between working full-time or cutting your discretionary spending, you’ll find ways to trim down your expenses! Avoiding full-time work is an effective motivator to get you budget-hacking like a boss. You might save even more money if working part-time or becoming your own boss means you spend less on transport, food, or childcare.

How many jobs can you have at one time?

You Can Diversify There’s no rule that says you have to stick to one job at a time. Instead of working full-time at one thing, why not run two or three different part-time jobs in parallel? You’ll be less likely to get bored or stuck in inflexible ways of thinking.

Will traditional office jobs ever be the same again?

The Covid-19 pandemic has fundamentally shifted the way in which people work. As a result, traditional office jobs may never be the same. The pandemic forced millions of employees to work remotely, and numerous companies have elected to make this move a permanent feature of their business models.

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