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What should I say to my wife after giving birth?

What should I say to my wife after giving birth?

10 Things You Should Say To Your Partner After She’s Given Birth

  • #1: You Were Amazing.
  • #2: I’ve Run You A Bath.
  • #3: Why Don’t You Try To Get Some Sleep?
  • #4: I’ll Do That.
  • #5: You’re Such A Good Mother.
  • #6: Can I Get You Anything?
  • #7: Here, Let Me Take The Baby.
  • #8: Say Cheese.

How do you comfort a woman giving birth?


  1. Massage your partner’s temples to help release stress and relax.
  2. Remind her to go to the bathroom every hour.
  3. Try cool compresses on her neck and face.
  4. Encourage her to drink fluids and eat if her doctors will allow it.
  5. Help her change positions to encourage labor to progress.
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What to wish a woman who is going to give birth?


  • “That’s going to be one lucky baby.”
  • “Congratulations!
  • “May your baby be blessed with good health, love and laughter.
  • “Now is the time to enjoy your baby’s little feet and baby smell.
  • “Congratulations to proud new parents!”
  • “We are really excited that your baby has arrived safe and sound!”
  • Is childbirth as painful as they say?

    Yes, childbirth is painful. But it’s manageable. In fact, nearly half of first-time moms (46 percent) said the pain they experienced with their first child was better than they expected, according to a nationwide survey commissioned by the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) in honor of Mother’s Day.

    How do I emotionally support my wife after giving birth?

    1. Cook her any meals, e.g. cooked breakfast in the morning before going to work, or take over cooking dinner as often as you can.
    2. Send her off for a massage, regularly if possible.
    3. Encourage her to seek support and connection with other mothers, and check in with her regularly to see if she feels she is coping.
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    What happens when my wife goes into labor?

    Know how to recognize the signs of labor

    • Her water may break, resulting in a trickle or gush of fluid.
    • She may have persistent lower back pain, like a crampy, premenstrual feeling.
    • She’s having contractions that occur at regular and increasingly shorter intervals and become longer and stronger in intensity.

    What does it mean to catch the baby?

    We talk about about “catching babies,” pretty frequently around the birth center. A midwife or doctor doesn’t deliver a baby. The mother delivers her baby, while a midwife, birth partner, or mother herself “catches” the baby.

    What to say to someone who is having a difficult pregnancy?

    Meaningful things to say to someone who has suffered a pregnancy loss:

    • “I’m sorry.”
    • “I’m so sorry for your loss.”
    • “I’m sorry to hear the news.”
    • “I’m thinking of you.”
    • “I’m not sure what to say or do but I am here and I am so sorry.”
    • “Please let me know if there’s anything you need.”
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    How do you wish a pregnant woman luck?

    Messages to give to a coworker going on maternity leave

    • Babies bring such joy and happiness to a family.
    • I can think of no greater joy than a new baby.
    • All the best to you for a happy and restful maternity leave.
    • Congratulations on your new arrival!
    • Enjoy a wonderful and restful maternity leave with your new baby!