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What was a FALX used for?

What was a FALX used for?

the Falx sword, similar to a Falcata, used its forward facing curve to crack into enemy helmets or hook around shields. Both swords were famously used by Thracians, Bastarne, Dacians, and other Balkan barbarians. Romans soldiers also occasionally used both swords as a substitute for the Gladius.

When was the FALX used?

Used almost exclusively by the Thracians, examples have been found dating from 300-400 BC. As a weapon, the rhomphaia was feared (like the falx) because of the cutting power afforded to it by its design. The falx forced the only documented change in Roman armour brought about by an encounter with a new weapon.

Where is the FALX sword from?

Czech Republic
Additional information

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Overall Length 51”
Class Battle Ready
Culture Dacian
Manufacturer Wulflund
Country of Origin Czech Republic

What weapons did the Romans use?

Roman Weapons

  • Swords (Gladius & Spatha) The gladius was the primary weapon of the Roman legions.
  • Javelin (Pilum)
  • Spear.
  • Dagger (Pugio)
  • Tools.
  • Helmet.
  • Body Armour.
  • Shields.

Is falx a sword?

The two-handed falx is clearly related to the Thracian rhomphaia. It is a derivative of both the sword and the spear, having evolved from a spear to a polearm before becoming more dramatically curved to facilitate a superior cutting action.

What is a SICA sword?

The Sica was a hooked sword with a blade on the inside curve – it was one of the iconic weapons of the Thracians – a people northwest of the Greeks who were renowned in antiquity for their warlike demeanor. The Sica was also used by a type of Roman Gladiator – the Thraex, a caricatured Thracian warrior.

What side did Romans wear their swords?

The sword was very important. It was light and short (no more than 50 cm) so soldiers can use it for stabbing quickly. The legionary wore his sword high on the right side of his body. This enabled it to be drawn underarm with his right hand without interfering with the shield which he carried in his left.

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How much did a Roman soldiers Armour weigh?

The Loreca hamata (chain armour) weighs about 10 to 11 kilos. A Loreca segmentata (plate armour) is about 7 kilos.

How did the falx kill Romans?

Marcus Cornelius Fronto described the large gaping wounds that a falx inflicted, and experiments have shown that a blow from a falx easily penetrated the Romans’ lorica segmentata, incapacitating the majority of victims.

What is the origin of the word falx?

Etymology. ” Falx ” is a Latin word originally meaning sickle but was later used to mean any of a number of tools that had a curved blade that was sharp on the inside edge such as a sickle. Falx was also used to mean a weapon – particularly that of the Thracians and Dacians – and, later, a siege hook used by the Romans.

What inspired the falx?

The single-handed falx might have been inspired by the sickle, although agricultural sickles of the time were typically quite small – no more than 30 cm or so in length. At the time of the Dacian wars, producing a long, sharp blade was technically challenging.

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What was the Dacian falx called?

In Latin texts, the weapon was described as an ensis falcatus (whence falcata) by Ovid in Metamorphose and as a falx supina by Juvenal in Satiriae . The Dacian falx came in two sizes: one-handed and two-handed.